Гипноз. Полное руководство

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Bodie, Walford (1905). The Bodie Book of Hypnotism, Electricity, Mental Suggestion, Magnetic Touch, Clairvoyance, Telepathy, London, The Claxton Press.

Braid, James (1843). Braid on Hypnotism

(Neurypnology), New York, Julian Press.

Braid, James (1846). The Power of the Mind Over the Body, London, John Churchill.

Bramwell, J. Milne (1903). Hypnotism-Its History Practice & Theory, London, Grant Richards.

Brenman, Margaret & Merton Gill (1947). Hypnotherapy: Survey of the Literature, New York, John Wiley & Sons.

Brooks, С Harry (1922). The Practice of Auto Suggestion, Dodd, Mead and Company.

Brooks, С Harry (1922,1940). The Practice of Auto Suggestion by the Method of E. Coue, New South Wales, George Alien & Unwin.

Brown, William (1922). Suggestion and Mental Analysis, London, University of London Press.

Bryan, William (1962). Legal Aspects of Hypnosis, Springfield, IL, Charles Thomas Publishers.

Buranelli, Vincent (1975). The Wizard from Vienna, New York, Coward, McCann & Co.

Cannon, Alexander (1936). The Science of Hypnotism, New York, E.P. Dutton (Reprinted by Kessinger Publishing Co., Kila, MT, 1998).

Caprio, Frank & Joseph Be (1963). Helping Yourself with Self-Hypnosis, Engelwood Cliffs, NJ, Prentice Hall.


Chaney, Robert G. (1958). Occult Hypnotism, Upland, CA, Astara.

Cocke, James R (1897). Hypnotism: How It Is Done; Its Uses and Dangers, Boston, Lee and Shepard Publishers.

Colquhoun, J.С (1833). Animal Magnetism; Reports on Experiments, New York, Arno Press (New York Times Press).

Cook, William Wesley (1901). Practical Lessons in Hypnotism, New York, Willey Book Co.

Corbett, Margaret (1953). How to Improve Your Sight, New York, Bonanza Books.

Cotes, James (1890). How to Mesmerize, Manual of Instruction, Philadelphia, David McKay Company.

Coue, Emile (1923). My Method, New York, Doubleday, Page & Co.

Crabtree, Adam (1988). Animal Magnetism, Early Hypnotism, & Psychical Research 1766—1925, White Plains, NY, Kraus International Publishers.

Darnton, Robert (1968). Mesmerism and the End of Enlightenment, Cambridge, MA, Harvard Univ. Press.

Davis, Albert E. (1918). Hypnotism and Treatment by Suggestion, London, Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co. Ltd.

De Saint Germain, Comte C. (1901). Practical Hypnotism, Theories & Experiments: Ancient Mystery Unveiled, Chicago, IL, Laird & Lee.

De Duboir, Georges (1922). Mysteries of Hypnosis, London, William Rider & Son.

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