Гипноз. Полное руководство

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Hall, Manly Palmer (1939, 1948). Hypnotism, Los Angeles, CA, Philosophical Research Society.

Hamblin, Henry Thomas (1921). Dynamic Thought, Chicago, IL, Yogi Publication Society.

Harris, Errol E. (1965). The Foundations of Metaphysics in Science, New York, Humanities Press.

Hart, Ernest (1896). Hypnotism, Mesmerism and Witchcraft, Toronto, Coles Reprint.

Haven, Joseph (1857). Mental Philosophy, NY, Sheldon & Co.

Havens, Ronald & Catherine Walters (1989).

Hypnotherapy Scripts, New York, Brunner Mazel.

Heidenhan, Rudolf (1888). Hypnotism or Animal Magnetism, London, Kegan, Paul, Trench & Co.



Heron, William T. (1950, 1957). Clinical Applications of Suggestion and Hypnosis, Springfield, IL, Charles C. Thomas Publishers.

Hewitt, William W. (1987). Beyond Hypnosis: A Program for Developing Your Psychic and Healing Powers, St. Paul MN, Llewellyn Publications.

Hilgard, Ernest & Josephine Hilgard (1975,1983). Hypnosis in the Relief of Pain, Los Altos, CA, William Kaufman.

Hjelle, Larry & Daniel Zeigler (1991). Personality Theories, New York, McGraw Hill.

Hock, Conrad (1934). The Four Temperaments, Milwaukee, The Brace Publishing Co.

Hollander, Bernard (1910). Hypnotism and Suggestion in Daily Life & Medical Practice, New York, G.P. Putnam's Sons.

Hollander, Bernard (1957). Methods and Uses of Hypnosis, Los Angeles, Wilshire Press.

Hubbard, L. Ron (1951, 1975). Dianetics Today, Los Angeles, The Church of Scientology.

Hubbard, L. Ron (1951, 1968). Self Analysis, Los Angeles, The Church of Scientology.

Hudson, Thomson Jay (1893, 1904). The Law of Psychic Phenomena, Chicago, IL, A.C. McClurg & Co. (Reprinted by Book Sales Incorporated, 1995).

Humphrey, George (1923). The Story of Man's Mind, Cambridge, Mass., Murray Printing Company.

Husson, Mr. (1836). Report on the Magnetical Experiments, Boston, O.K. Hitchcock.

Ince, R.B. (1920). Franz Anton MesmerHis Life, London, Kegan, Paul, Trench & Co.

James, William (1890). Principles of Psychology (2 vols), New York, Henry Holt & Co. (Reprinted by Harvard University Press, 1983).

James, William (1909). PsychologyBriefer Course

(2 vols), New York, Henry Holt & Co. (Reprinted by University of Notre Dame Press, 1985).

James, William (1902, 1961). Varieties of Religious Experience, New York, Collier Books (Reprinted by Random House, 1999).



Jolowicz, Ernst & Gustav Heyer (1931).

Suggestion Therapy/ Hypnosis, London, C.W. Daniel

&Co. Kahn, Samuel (1945). Suggestion and Hypnotism Made

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