Хрестоматия по истории психологии. Период открытого кризиса

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3. Brunswik E, Organismic achievement and environmental probabi­lity//Psychol. Rev. 1943. V. 50. P. 255—272.

4. Farber M. L. Imprisonment as a psychological situation. Unpublished Ph. D. Thesis, State Univ. Iowa, 1940.

5. Festinger L. A theoretical interpretation of shifts in level of aspira­tion// Psychol. Rev. 1942. V. 49.

6. Frank L. K. Time perspectives//J. soc. ph.il. 1939. V. 4.

7. Hilgard E. R., Marquis D. 0. Conditioning and learning. New York— London, 1940.

8. Hull C. L. The problem of intervening variables in molar behavior theory // Psychol. Rev. 1943. V. 50.

9. Kalhorn I. Ideological differences among rural children. Unpubli­shed Master's Thesis, State Univ. Iowa, 1941.

10. Korsch-Escalona S- The effect of success and failure upon the level of aspiration and behavior in manic-depressive psychoses // Lewin K-, Lip-pit R., Korsch-Escalona S. (eds.). Studies in topological and vector psycho­logy//Univ. la. Stud. Child Welf. 1939. V. 16.

11. Lewin K- Der Begriff der Genese in Physik, Biologie und Entwick-lunggeschichte (The concept of genesis in physics, biology and theory of evolution). Berlin, 1922.

12. Lewin K. The conceptual representation and the measurement of psychological forces // Contr. psychol. Theor. 1938. V. 4.

13. Lewin K- Field theory and learning1/41-thst Jearbook of the Natio­nal Society for the Study of Education. Part II. 1942.

14. Lewin K. The relative effectiveness of a lecture method and a met­hod of group decision for changing food habits. Comittee on Food Habits, National Research Council, 1942.

15. Lippii R. An experimental study of effect of democratic and autho-ritatian group atmospheres//Univ. la Stud. Child Welf. 1940. V. 16.

16. Muenzinger K. F. Psychology: The science of behavior. Denver World Press, 1939.

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