Организационная психология

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[315] Maslow, A. H. A theory of human motivation //Psychological Review, Vol. 50 1943 P 388—389.

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[317] Alderfer С. P. An Empirical Test of a New Theory of Human Needs //Organizational Behavior and Human Performance. No 5, 1969. P. 142—75.

[318] Haire M., Ghiselli ?. Е. & Porter L. Wk Cultural Patterns in the Role of the Manager //Industrial Relations, No 2, 1963. P. 95—117.

[319] Schneider C. P. & Alderfer C. P. Three Studies of Measures of Need Satisfaction in Organizations //Administrative Science Quarterly, No 12, 1973. P. 489—505.

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[321] Hull C. L. Principles of behavior. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1943.

[322] Skinner B. F. Science and human behavior. New York: Macmillan, 1953; Skinner B. F. Contingencies of reinforcement. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1969.

[323] Skinner В. F. The behavior of organisms. New York: Applеton-Century Crofts, 1938; Skinner B. F. Contingencies of reinforcement. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1969.

[324] Hamner W. C. and Hamner E. P. Behavior modification on the bottom line // Organizational Dynamics, No 4, 1976. P. 3—21.

[325] Ytikl G A. & Latham G. P. Consequences of reinforcement schedules and incentive magnitude for employee performance //Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 60, 1975. P. 294—298; Yukl G. A., Latham G. P. & Pursell E. D. The effectiveness of performance incentives under continuous and variable ratio schedules of reinforcement //Personnel Psychology, Vol. 29, 1976. P. 221—231; Yukl G. A., Wexley K. N. & Seymour J. D. The effectiveness of pay incentives under variable ratio and continuous reinforcement schedules //Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 56, 1972. P. 19-23.

[326] Pritchard R. D., Leonard D. W., Von Bergen C. W. & Kirk R. J. The effect of varying schedules of reinforcement on human task performance //Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, Vol.16, 1976. P. 205—230.

[327] Lawler E. E., Ill & Hackman J. R. Impact of employee participation in the development of pay incentive plans: A field experiment //Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 53, 1969. P. 467—471; Nord W. Improving atendance through rewards //Personnel Administration, Vol. 11 — 12, 1970. P. 37—41; Pedalino E. & Gamboa V. U. Behavior modification and absenteeism. Intervention in one industrial setting //Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 59, 1974. P. 694—698.

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