Организационная психология

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[280] Argyris C. The Application Sociology. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1972.

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[282] Bennis W. Changing Organizations. N.Y.: McGraw-Hill, 1966.

[283] Schein Е. Н. Docs Japanese management style have a message for American managers? //Sloan Management Review, Vol. 21, 1981 P. 55—68

[284] . McGregor D. M. On Leadership /'Antioch Notes, May, 1954. P. 2 —-3.

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[290] Там же, Р. 146.

[291] Там же

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[295] Alexander J. & Randolph W. A. The Fit Between Technology and Structure as a Predictor of Performance in Nursing Units //Academy of Management Journal, December, 1985. P. 844—859; Child J. & Mansfield R. Technology, Size and Organization Structure //Sociology, 1972. P. 369—393; Paulson S. Organizational Size, Technology, and Structure: Replication of a Study of Social Service Agencies Among Small Retail Finns //Academy of Management Journal, June, 1980. P. 341—347; Van De Yen A. H. & Delbecq A. L. A Task Contingent Model of Work Unit Structure //Administrative Science Quarterly, 1974. P. 183—197; Whithey M., Daft R. L. & Cooper W. H. Measures of Perrow's Work Unit Technology: An Empirical Assessment and a New Scale //Academy of Management Journal, March, 1983. P. 45—63.

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