14Raymond, EAE: The Mythical Origin of the Egyptian Temple, Manchester Univ. Press. 1969. 15Knight, С & Lomas, R: Uriel’s Machine, The Ancient Origins of Science. 16Sykes, B: The Seven Daughters of Eve, Gorgi, 2001. 17Gray, J: «Israel’s Neighbours», Peake’s Commentary on the Bible. 18Иезекиидь, 27. 19 Renan, E: Mission de Phenicie, Paris, 1864. 20Montet, P: Byblos et l’Egvpte, Paris, 1928. 21Dunand, M: Dc FArrianus and Sinai, Beirut, 1953. 22Dunand, M: De FArrianus and Sinai, Beirut, 1953. 23Dunand, M: De l’Amanus and Sinai, Beirut, 1953. 24Dunand, M: De l’Amanus and Sinai, Beirut, 1953. 25Lehner, Mark: The Complete Pyramids. 26Heyerdahl, Thor: The Ra Expeditions, George Allen & Unwin Ltd, 1971. 27Heyerdahl, Thor: the Ra Exheditions. 28Baramki, D: Phoenicia and the Phoenicians, American College Press, Beirut, 1961. 29Herodotus, The History, trans. George Rawlison, New York, Dutton & Co., 1862. 30Herodotus, The History, trans. George Rawlison, New York, Dutton & Co., 1862. 31I< евреям, 5:6. 32Hook, SH: Genesis — Peakes Commentary on the Bible. 33Oesterley, WOE & Robinson, TH: Hebrew Religion, Its Origin and Development. 34Anderson, GW: Psalms — Peakes Commentary on the Bible. 35Исход, 28:30.
збТаблички Рас Шарма, найденные на месте древнего морского порта Угарит, содержат много стихотворных ритуальных религиозных текстов второго тысячелетия до нашей эры. Они значительно расширили наше понимание древних верований и религиозной практики в Ханаане. 37 A Companion to the Bible, published by T & T Clark, Edinburgh, 1939. Цитата из части третьей «The Early Background of Hebrew Religion» by SH Hooke. 38Cohn, Norman: Cosmos, Chaos and the World to come, Yale Univesity Press, 1993. 39Hook SH: in Myth, Ritual and Kingship, Oxford at Clarendon Press, 1958. См. раздел «Hebrew Conception of Kingship» by AR Johnson. 40Сайт «Паутина Хирама», http://www.brad.ac.uk/ webofhiram. 41Anderson, GW: Psalms — Peakes Commentary on the Bible. 42Knight, С & Lomas, R: Uriel’s Machine, The Ansient Origins of Science. 43 Hooke, SH: Myth, Ritual and Kingship, Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1958. Cm. «Early Hebrew Meths and Their Interpretation». 44Hooke, SH: Myth, Ritual and Kingship, Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1958. Cm. «Early Hebrew Meths and Their Interpretation». 45Engnell, J: Studies in Divine Kingship, SPCK, 1962. 46Mauchline, J: 1 +11 Kings — Peakes Commentary on the Bible. ' — 103 —