[1579] Bruce Narramore, "The Concept of Responsibility in Psychopathology and Psychotherapy", Journal of Psychology and Theology 13 (Summer 1985): 91–96. [1580] Мф. 23:25–38. [1581] William L. Getz et al., Brief Counseling with Suicidal Persons (Lexington, Mass.: Lexington Books, 1983). [1582] Erwin Stengel, Suicide and Attempted Suicide (New York: Jason Aronson, 1974), 59. [1583] Нижеследующий перечень см.: Bill Blackburn, What You Should Know about Suicide (Waco, Tex.: Word, 1982); см. также: John Т. Maltsberger, "Determining Suicide Risk", Harvard Medical School Mental Health Letter A (January 1988): 8; and Aaron T. Beck, Harvey L. P. Resnik, and Dan J. Lettieri, The Prediction of Suicide ( Philadelphia: Charles Press, 1986). [1584] Речь идет об основных причинах суицида; использованы выводы исследования суицидного поведения среди студентов высших учебных заведений; см.: John S. Westefeld and Susan R. Furr, "Suicide and Depression among College Students", Professional Psychology: Research and Practice 18 (April 1987): 119–123. [1585] Colleen Cordes, "The Plight of Homeless Mentally 111", АРА Monitor 15 (February 1984): 1, 13. [1586] George W. Albee, "The Answer Is Prevention", Psychology Today 19 (February 1985): 60–64. [1587] Gary B. Melton and Ellen Greenburg Garrison, "Fear, Prejudice, and Neglect: Discrimination against Mentally Disabled Persons", American Psychologist 42 (November 1987): 1007–1026. [1588] Lowell Weicker, Jr., "Federal Response to Institutional Abuse and Neglect: The Protection and Advocacy for Mentally 111 Individuals Act", American Psychologist 42 (November 1987): 1027, 1028. [1589] Susan Sheehan, Is There No Place on Earth for Me? (Boston: Houghton Mifflin 1982). [1590] Louis Linn, Clinical Manifestations of Psychiatric Disorders, in Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry/IV, ed. Harold I. Kaplan and Benjamin J. Sadock (Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins, 1985): 550–590. [1591] E. Fuller Torrey, Surviving Schizophrenia: A Family Manual (New York: Harper & Row, 1983). [1592] J. S. Mizes, B. Landorf–Fritsche, and D. Gross–McKee, "Patterns of Distorted Cognitions in Phobic Disorders: An Investigation of Clinically Severe Simple Phobics, Social Phobics, and Agoraphobics", Cognitive Therapy and Research 11 (1987) 583–592. [1593] Edward G. Carr and V. Mark Durand, "See Me, Help Me", Psychology Today 21 (November 1987): 62–64. — 820 —