[1492] Florence W. Kaslowand Richard I. Ridenour, Military Family (New York: Guilford, 1984). [1493] Hatfield and Lefley, Families of the Mentally III. [1494] See Kramer, Family Interfaces, pt. 2, "The Therapist's Own Family". [1495] Dean Merrill, Clergy Couples in Crisis (Carol Stream, III.: Leadership/Word Books, 1985). [1496] Dick Anderson, "When the Bough Breaks", Family Therapy Networker 11 (November — December 1987): 18–29. [1497] Lawrence Metzger, From Denial to Recovery: Counseling Problem Drinkers, Alcoholics, and Their Families (San Francisco: Jossey–Bass, 1987). [1498] "Mothers of Preschoolers" (MOPS) — это образовательная, восстановительная и духовная программа для матерей, воспитывающих малых детей. Можно написать по адресу: MOPS Outreach, 2269 W. Yale, Englewood, Colo. 80110. [1499] Contact Prison Fellowship, P.O. Box 17181, Washington, D.C. 20041. [1500] См.: "Family Therapy and AIDS: Four Case Studies", Family Therapy Networker 12 (January — February 1988): 33–43. [1501] Эти категории предложены в полезной статье: Cyril J. Barber, "Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage: A Review of the Relevant Religious Literature, 1973–1983", Journal of Psychology and Theology 12 (Fall 1984): 170–177. [1502] Этой точки зрения придерживается Ланей; см.: J. Carl Laney, The Divorce Myth (Minneapolis: Bethany House, 1981). [1503] См. об этом, напр.: Jay E. Adams, Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage (Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker, 1980); and Lawrence O. Richards, Remarriage: Healing Gift from God (Waco, Tex.: Word, 1981). [1504] См. напр.: E. E. Joiner, A Christian Considers Divorce and Remarriage (Nashville: Broadman, 1983). [1505] J. P. Zwack, Annulment: Your Chance to Remarry within the Catholic Church (New York: Harper & Row, 1983). [1506] Быт. 2:18–25; Мф. 19:5; Мк. 10:2–12; 1 Кор. 7:39. [1507] Мф. 5:31,32; 19:3–9. [1508] Мф. 19:9; Лк. 16:18. [1509] 1 Кор. 7:15. [1510] "Marriage and Divorce: A Study by Evangelical Free Church Pastors", paper, 1980. [1511] 1 Кор. 7:8, 32–38. [1512] D. Hocking, Marrying Again: A Guidefor Christians (Old Tappan, N.J.: Revell, 1983), 29–34. [1513] Мф. 19:9. [1514] 1 Кор. 7:15. [1515] См.: Charles R. Swindoll, Strike the Original Match (Portland, Oreg.: Multnomah, 1980), 147, 148; and John R. W Stott, Divorce (Downers Grove, III.: InterVarsity, 1978). — 815 —