Пособие по христианскому душепопечению

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[1476] Gottlieb, Social Networks.

[1477] Virginia Satir, James Stachowiak, and Harvey A. Taschman, Helping Families Change (New York: Jason Aronson, 1975), 11, 12; превосходный обзор теории систем и психологического консультирования, см.: Gerard Egan and Michael A. Cowan, People in Systems: A Model for Development in the Human–Service Professions and Education (Monterey, Calif.: Brooks/Cole, 1979).

[1478] Even Imber–Black, "Celebrating the Uncelebrated", Family Therapy Networker 12 (January — February 1988): 60–66.

[1479] D. S. Becvar, "The Family Is Not a Group — Or Is It?" Journal for Specialists in Group Work 1 (1982): 88–95; см. также: Kathleen Y. Ritter, John D. West, and James P. Trotzer, "Comparing Family Counseling and Group Counseling: An Interview with George Gazda, James Hansen, and Alan Hovestadt", Journal of Counseling and Development 65 (February 1987): 295–300.

[1480] Pittman, Turning Points.

[1481] Ibid.

[1482] Jeannette R. Kramer, Family Interfaces: Transgenerational Patterns (NewYork: Brunner/Mazel, 1985).

[1483] Дискуссию о дедушках и бабушках в аспекте их помощи в процессе душепопечения см.: S. Allen Wilcoxon, "Grandparents and Grandchildren: An Often Neglected Relationship between Significant Others", Journal of Counseling and Development 65 (February 1987): 289, 290.

[1484] На этом основан метод, предложенный Клиффордом; см.: Terry Clifford, "Assertiveness Training for Parents", Journal of Counseling and Developments (June 1987): 552–554.

[1485] Pittman, Turning Points, 34.

[1486] Ibid., 35.

[1487] Robert Bolton, People Skills (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice–Hall, 1979).

[1488] Bill Cosby, Fatherhood (New York: Doubleday, 1986).

[1489] Charles M. Sell, Family Ministry: The Enrichment of Family Life through the Church (Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan, 1981); см. также зимний (1986 г.) выпуск журнала "Leadership" (vol. 7), полностью посвященный семейному служению. О предупреждении семейных проблем см. также: Rekers, Family Building, and Howard Clinebell, Basic Types of Pastoral Counseling, rev. ed. (Nashville: Abingdon, 1984), chap. 11, "Family Enrichment and Counseling".

[1490] См., напр.: James Dobson's Focus on the Family in Pomona, California, or The Family Research Council, 515 Second Street, Washington, D.C. 20002.

[1491] См. выводы и обобщения Витца (Vitz), о которых говорилось выше в этой главе.

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