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48. Calendar of Patent Rolls, 1429-1436, p. 10.


1. Olaus Magnus. Compendious History of the Goths, ed. 1658.

2. Sikes, W., British Goblins, p. 60, ed. 1881.

3. Day, A., The English Secretary, II, p. 23, ed. 1625.

4. Examination of John Walsh, ed. 1566.

5. Pitcairn, R., Criminal Trials, I, pt. ii, pp. 52-3, ed. 1833.

6. Pitcairn, op. cit., I, pt. ii, p. 163.

7. Pitcairn, op. cit., II, p. 25.

8. Spalding Club Miscellany, I, pp. 199, 121, 125, 177, ed. 1841.

9. Maitland Club Miscellany, II, p. 167, ed. 1840.

10. Law, R., Memorialls, p. 27 note, ed. Sharpe, 1818.

11. Records of the Justiciary Court of Edinburgh, II, p. ii, ed. 1905.

12. Sprenger. F., Malleus Maleficarum, ed. 1620.

13. Remigius, N., Daemonolatria, pt. I, ch. xv, 75, ed. 1693.

14. De Lancre, P., L'Incredulit? et Mescreance du Sortil?ge, p. 648, ed. 1622.

15. Bodin, J., De la Demonomanie, des Sorciers, p. 239B, ed. 1604.

16. Mather, C., Wonders of the Invisible World, p. 88, ed. 1862.

17. Bodin, op. cit., pp. 188-9.

18. Wilde, Lady, Ancient Legends of Ireland, I, p. 178, ed. 1887.

19. id., Ancient Cures, Charms and Usages of Ireland, p. 147, ed. 1890.

20. id., Legends, I, pp. 179, 232, 264, II, p. 70.

21. Pitcairn, op. cit., III, pp. 604, 611.

22. Examination of John Walsh.

23. Pitcairn, op. cit., III, p. 604.

24. Campbell, J. F., Popular Tales of the West Highlands, IV, p. 343, ed. 1862.

25. Croker, T. C., Fairy Legends, p.119, ed. 1859.

26. Moore, A. W., Folklore of the Isle Of Man, p. 41, ed. 1891.

27. Sikes, op. cit., p. 83.

28. S?billot, P., Traditions et Superstitions de la Haute Bretagne, I, p. 75, ed. 1882.

29. Ritson, J., Fairy Tales, p. 73, ed. 1875.

30. Chodsko, A., Fairy Tales of the Slav Peasants, p. 133, ed. 1896.

31. Campbell, J. F., op. cit., II, p. 57.

32. Pitcairn, op. cit., I, pt. II, p. 56.

33. Denham Tracts, II, pp. 134, 143, ed. 1895.

34. Keightley, T., Fairy Mythology, II, p. 161, ed. 1828.

35. Pitcairn, op. cit., III, p. 61

36. Denham Tracts, II, p. 113.

37. Waldron, G. Manx. Society xi (1859), Description of the Isle of Man, pp. 126-7.


1. Mather, C., Wonders of the Invisible World, p. 16o, ed. 1862.

2. Scot, Reginald, Discoverie of Witchcraft, Bk. III, 40, ed. 1584.

3. De Lancre, P., L'Incredulit? et Mescreance du Sortil?ge, p. 558, ed. 1622.

4. Bodin, J., De la Demonomanie des Sorciers, p. 26213, ed. 1604.

5. id. ib., p. 210B.

6. An Advertisement to the Grand-jury Men of England touching Witches, p. 8, ed. 1627.

7. Pitcairn, R., Criminal Trials, III, p. 63, ed. 1833.

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