Женская консультация девяностых годов глазами психотерапевта - 2011

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If you decide to send this letter to the Russian president it will be not bad. We are not afraid of serving the truth not depending on the struggle outcome (all the more, the truth is of feminine gender in the Russian language). As a great American philosopher Ralph Emerson wrote that truth was the property of no individual but was the treasure of all men.

During our visit in Italy we managed to find a scientific review of an expert from the World Health Organization J.Villar “Scientific basis for the content of routine antenatal care” (Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica, 1997, V. 76, p.1-14). It was stated in the review that high concentration of iron-bearing protein hemoglobin in blood during pregnancy was a signal of risk of preterm birth. M.V. Shvetsov came exactly to the same conclusion in the process of pregnant treatment. His dissertation was failed exactly for that and also for assertion that excessive usage of iron pharmaceuticals (what happened everywhere and without control in Russia often) was a reason for preterm birth and pre-natal death of fruit from infection. And after all, yet 10 years ago professor Erica Liebelt from the Yale University notified that exogenous iron in pregnant women was the main reason of child lethality till the age of 6 on account of pharmaceutical drugs. Not only we assert that reduction of hemoglobin concentration in blood during pregnancy is a law of nature. Seventy years ago Nobel Prize winner Alexis Carrel wrote that was not allowed to swindle with fundamental laws of life with impunity.

Mrs. Bush is famous in Russia and the world as a wonderful person who is not indifferent to the health of women and destiny of young generation. That is why we are looking forward with a hope and rely seriously to get Your interested answer.

Sincerely Yours,
Startseva Natalia


Поняв, что нахожусь на улице с односторонним движением, я решил уменьшить дозу неопределенности и обратился в «Голос Америки» с просьбой передать наше письмо Президенту США, так как оно может иметь отношение к судьбах многих американских женщин. Но повторные запросы также имели ответом молчание… Так что же такое любовь? Неужели молчание и есть тот самый эквивалент любви для ученых, научных политиков и президента? Или я ошибаюсь? Или человечество давно живет в измерении пошлости, агрессивности и скудоумия, а язык любви забыт?

Кто способен ответить?

Женщины ждут. Еще несколько лет страданий, и они не захотят рожать детей для смерти и зла жизни. Рост числа заболеваемости женщин и есть их бессознательный ответ на вызов цивилизации. Когда-то он может стать сознательным…

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