I have been working in the field of obstetrics for 40 years. My husband Shvetsov M. V. devoted himself to treatment of pregnant women also after he had learned magnificent methods of Lowen’s body-oriented psychotherapy in 1994. Alexander Lowen is 96 nowadays, he lives in New York and he is called the greatest among the present day world psychotherapists. By year 2000 a new concept of pregnant treatment was formulated by us which did not meet an official recognition in Russia but the main astonishment was that the concept was not taken into consideration by western scientists whom we wanted to be our judges, first of all. We sent some letters to the Chicago University (in 2001), which announced itself to be interested in solving a priority problem of gestosis of pregnants. We offered the scientists from the Chicago University Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology to make a report at any conference at the University on our ways of the problem easy solution and even without additional financial injections. But as a result, we have no answer. Last 15 year we had been suffering from huge financial straits, so we could not go abroad. But in November 2005 our desire to present the results of our investigations to western scientists became true. The Society for Gynecologic Investigation of USA held 1st International Summit “Preterm Birth” in Italy for the first time for 50 years of its existence where we presented two poster reports (we were not offered to present an oral report.). Nevertheless, nobody including eminent western specialists (no one was from Russia) paid attention to our work. That was strange. The ways of reducing the amount of preterm birth were said three-times in one of our reports (we could not find any data that such methods were used in work with pregnants in the USA). The ways of avoidance of inflammation and gestosis (leading to preterm birth, as known) during pregnancy were shown in the other our report given to some famous specialists during the summit. Just after return to Russia we gave some celebrated scientists, who had read lectures at the Italy summit, the data about a reliable way to reduce the frequency of inflammatory reactions. We also sent letters to American professor and member of the Society for Gynecologic Investigation of USA — 27 —