[275] Bell, Gertrude . The Desert and the Sown. London: William Heinemann, 1907. P. 244. [276] Bell, Gertrude . From Her Personal Papers, 1889–1914 / Ed. Elizabeth Burgoyne. London: Ernest Benn, 1958. P. 204. [277] Yeats, William Butler . Byzantium // The Collected Poems. N. Y.: Macmillan Co., 1959. P. 244. [278] Diamond, Stanley . In Search of the Primitive: A Critique of Civilization. New Brunswick, N. J.: Transaction Books, 1974. P. 119. [279] См.: Bracken, Harry . Essence, Accident and Race // Hermathena. Winter 1973. Vol. 116. P. 81–96. [280] Eliot, George . Middlemarch: A Study of Provincial Life (1872; reprint ed., Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1956), P. 13. Рус. пер.: Элиот Дж . Мидлмарч. М., 1988. [281] Trilling, Lionel . Matthew Arnold. 1939; reprint ed. N. Y.: Meridian Books, 1955. P. 214. [282] См.: Arendt, Hannah . The Origins of Totalitarianism. N. Y.: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1973. P. 180, note 55. [283] Smith, W. Robertson . Kinship and Marriage in Early Arabia / Ed. Stanley Cook. 1907; reprint ed. Oesterhout, N. B.: Anthropological Publications, 1966. P. xiii, 241. [284] Smith, W. Robertson . Lectures and Essays / Ed. John Sutherland Black and George Chrystal. London: Adam & Charles Black, 1912. P. 492–493. [285] Ibid. P. 492, 493, 511, 500, 498–499. [286] Doughty, Charles M. Travels in Arabia D?serta. 2nd ed., 2 vols. N. Y.: Random House, n.d. Vol. 1. P. 95. См. также прекрасную статью: Bevis, Richard . Spiritual Geology: C. M. Doughty and the Land of the Arabs // Victorian Studies. December 1972. Vol. 16. P. 63–81. [287] Lawrence T. E. The Seven Pillars of Wisdom: A Triumph. 1926; reprint ed. Garden City, N. Y.: Doubleday, Doran & Co., 1935. P. 28. В русском издании фрагмент отсутствует. [288] По этому поводу см.: Asad, Talal . Two European Images of Non-European Rule // Anthropology and the Colonial Encounter / Ed. Talal Asad. London: Ithaca Press, 1975. P. 103–118. [289] Arendt . Origins of Totalitarianism. P. 218. [290] Lawrence T. E. Oriental Assembly. Ed. A. W. Lawrence. N. Y.: E. P. Dutton & Co., 1940. P. 95. [291] Цит. по: Tabachnick, Stephen Ely . The Two Veils of T. E. Lawrence // Studies in the Twentieth Century. Fall 1975. Vol. 16. P. 96–97. [292] Lawrence . Seven Pillars of Wisdom. P. 42–43, 661. См.: Лоуренс Аравийский . Семь столпов мудрости. СПб.: Азбука, 2001. — 364 —