Ориентализм. Западные концепции Востока

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[344] Ibid. P. 111, 188, 189.

[345] Gibb H. A. R. Modern Trends in Islam. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1947. P. 108, 113, 123.

[346] Обе работы опубликованы в книге: Gibb . Studies on the Civilization of Islam. P. 176–208 and 3–33.

[347] Tyrell, R. Emmett Jr . Chimera in the Middle East // Harper's. November 1976. P. 35–38.

[348] Statement of Purpose // MESA Bulletin. May 1967. Vol. 1, no. 1. P. 33.

[349] Berger, Morroe . Middle Eastern and North African Studies: Developments and Needs // MESA Bulletin. November 1967. Vol. 1, no. 2. P. 16.

[350] Mansoor, Menachem . Present State of Arabic Studies in the United States // Report on Current Research 1958 / Ed. Kathleen H. Brown. Washington: Middle East Institute, 1958. P. 55–56.

[351] Lasswell, Harold . Propaganda // Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences. 1934. Vol. 12. P. 527. Этой ссылкой я обязан профессору Ноаму Хомскому.

[352] Proust, Marcel . The Guermantes Way. Trans. C. K. Scott Moncrieff. 1925; reprint ed., N. Y.: Vintage Books, 1970. P. 135. См.: Пруст М . У Германтов / Пер. Н. М. Любимова. М., 1992. С. 159.

[353] Schmidt, Nathaniel. Early Oriental Studies in Europe and the Work of the American Oriental Society, 1842–1922 // Journal of the American Oriental Society. 1923. Vol. 43. P. 11. См. также: Speiser E. A . Near Eastern Studies in America, 1939–1945 // Archiv Orientalni. 1948. Vol. 16. P. 76–88.

[354] См., например: Jessup, Henry . Fifty Three Years in Syria. 2 vols. N. Y.: Fleming H. R?veil, 1910.

[355] По поводу связи между Декларацией Бальфура и военной политикой США см.: Ingrams, Doreen . Palestine Papers 1917–1922: Seeds of Conflict. London: Cox & Syman, 1972. P. 10 ff.

[356] Graves, Mortimer . A Cultural Relations Policy in the Near East // The Near East and the Great Powers / Ed. Frye . P. 76, 78.

[357] Keiser, George Camp . The Middle East Institute: Its Inception and Its Place in American International Studies // The Near East and the Great Powers / Ed. Frye. P. 80, 84.

[358] Об этой иммиграции см.: The Intellectual Migration: Europe and America, 1930–1960 / Eds Donald Fleming and Bernard Bailyn. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1969.

[359] Von Grunebaum, Gustave . Modern Islam: The Search for Cultural Identity. N. Y.: Vintage Books, 1964. P. 55, 261.

[360] Laroui, Abdullah . Pour une m?thodologie des ?tudes islamiques: L'Islam au miroir de Gustave von Grunebaum // Diog?ne. July — September 1973. Vol. 38. P. 30. Эта статья также опубликована в сборнике статей: Laroui, The Crisis of the Arab Intellectuals: Traditionalism or Historicism? Trans. Diarmid Cammell. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1976.

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