High Hume (Áèîâëàñòü è áèîïîëèòèêà â îáùåñòâå ðèñêà)

Ñòðàíèöà: 1 ... 209210211212213214215216217218219 ... 240


Introduction. Genesis and evolution of bio-power. Concept of «bio-power» got wide distribution in the last decade of ÕÕ centuries in a single complex with a bio-policy, bioethics, bio-technology and biomedicine. As grounded in the investigation, it is possible to understand the phenomenon of bio-power within the framework of globally-evolutional, and more precisely, globally-coevolutional methodologies – as one of central elements of mechanism of mutual interface of biological and socio-cultural forms of evolutional process from and techno-cultural balance. Dichotomy of vectors of socio-cultural and biological evolution of human became reason of origin of the phenomenon of bio-power. As a mechanism, providing bio-social coevolution, a natural selection is not enough effective. Bio-power became additional, considerably more fast-acting and powerful element of integration of human in swiftly changing socio-cultural continuum. In this sense it can be examined as one of major socio-cultural adaptations.

Technologies of bio-power during the last one hundred years passed a few stages of the development:

  1. modification of phenotypical constitution – on the basis of direct or indirect (by means of «public opinion», market state of affairs, generally accepted standards et cetera) compulsion;
  2. genetic technologies ? interference with the selection of paternal pair, pre-natal and post-natal selection, sterilization etc;
  3. Technology of the guided (controlled) evolution ? gene-engineering reconstructions of the genetic program of ontogenesis and mental transformation of thoughts and behavior for «social adaptation».

In the epoch of globalization speech goes about the prospects of civilization, fates of humanity and Intellectual life in general. Humanity enters into the epoch of the guided evolution. Bio-power becomes the key link of further evolutional process.

Socio-cultural and mental sources of bio-political collisions. End 19 – beginning 20 centuries was period of extraordinary popularity of attempts to decision of gene-cultural collision, that diagnosed (from different positions and by different appearance) by Nicshe and Gal'ton, Lombrozo and Freud, by the theoretical and technological developments of natural science. In final analysis all of them required strengthening of direct influence of bio-power on a «reproductive choice», i.e. intruding in one of the most intimate spheres of somatic life of human creature. The conflict of bio-power was set with other base dominant of Western thought – doctrine of Natural Human rights. Primate of freedom of own ”Ego” is for the man of modern Western – technogenic civilization a powerful competitor of dominant of family predetermination. Most intolerant for him is feeling of extraneous interference to self-development of the personality. Stratification of both mental “archetypes” serves as the source of one of basic bio-political conflicts of contemporary. The kernel of this conflict is made by feeling of programmed of own fate. This programmed simultaneously internal (in relation to somatic life of man, because results from properties of his own genome) and external (in relation to spiritual life, “soul”). We will name yet two “archetypes” of western mentality, determining the resulting vector of development of bio-power. First from them is faith in magic force which gives it to the possessor knowledge of the authentic name of other person or personificated natural forces. Second ones is perception of Nature as a certain phototypograph in which a project is coded Divine. (From here attempts to “extract” the text of Bible or musical symphony, etc from DNA). Therefore decoding and interpretation of any information, touching the present status or future of concrete personality as a result of psychological tests or gene diagnostics, is interpreted as trenching upon its social autonomy, dignity and identity.

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