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DV03 «Why Biometrics Must Be Banned,» by Roger Clarke, presentation at the Conference on 'State Surveillance after September 11', Sydney, 8 September 2003, http://www.anu.edu.au/people/Roger.Clarke/DV/Biom030908.html

DV98 «Spies turn to high‑tech info ops,» by Daniel M. Verton, Federal Computer Week, May 25,1998, http://www.fcw.com/fcw/articles/1998/FCW_052598_483.asp

DV99 «Pentagon labels computer morphing a war crime,» by Daniel M. Verton, Federal Computer Week, November 12, 1999, http://www.fcw.com/fcw/articles/1999/ fcw_11121999_dod.asp

DW99 «The Real‑Time Cryptanalysis of A5/2,» by David Wagner et al., Rump Session of Crypto '99, Santa Barbara, August 15‑19,1999

EA02 «Food and Drug Administration OKs Implantable ÃÎ Chips», EPIC Alert, Volume 9.22, November 6, 2002, http://www.epic.org/alert/EPIC_Alert_9.22.html

EB01 «This Ping Thing Didn't Take Wing,» by Elisa Batista, Wired News, Nov. 30, 2001, http://www.wired.com/news/privacy/0,1848,48631,00.html

ED03 «French home secretary announces chip ÃÎ card,» by Estelle Dumout, Silicon.com, 1 October 2003, http://www.silicon.eom/news/500022/l/6228.html

EF03 «Privacy – Crypto – Key Escrow 1993‑4 (US): Clipper/EES/Capstone/Tessera/ Skipjack», EFF Archive, Last Updated 13 Mar 2003, http://www.eff.org/ pub/Privacy/Key_escrow/Clipper/

EG02 «Trainable Videorealistic Speech Animation,» by Tony Ezzat, Gadi Geiger To‑mazo Poggio, MIT Center for Biological and Computational Learning, Siggraph 2002, http://cuneus.ai.mit. edu:8000/publications/siggraph02.pdf

EH63 «What I Would Tell a Son» by J. Edgar Hoover, Family Weekly, 14 July 1963

EM75 «National Communications Security Emanations Memoranda (NACSEM) 5112, NONSTOP Evaluation Techniques», 1975, http://cryptome.org/nacsem‑5112.htm

EP01 European Parliament Report on the existence of a global system for intercepting private and commercial communications (ECHELON interception system), PE 305.391, July 11,2001, http://cryptome.org/echelon‑ep.htm

EP99 «Europe and ENFOPOL: Batch Release of Documents,» in Policy Archive, by FIPR: Foundation for Information Policy Research, November 1999, http://www.fipr.org/polarch/index.html

ER94 «Equidistant Letter Sequences in the Book of Genesis,» by Eliyahu Rips, Doron Witztum, Yoav Rosenberg, Statistical Science, Vol. 9 (1994) 429‑438, http://www.torahcodes.co.il/wrrl/wrrl.htm

ES03 «Enterprise Solutions Division Board of Directors», About The ES Division, Information Technology Association Of America, http://www.itaa.org/es/about.cfm

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