AH02 «Researcher: Biometrics Unproven, Hard To Test,» By Ann Harrison, Security Focus, Aug 7,2002, http://www.securityfocusonline.com/news/ 566 AH03 «Hackers Claim New Fingerprint Biometric Attack,» by Ann Harrison, Security Focus, Aug 13, 2003, http://www.securityfocus.com/news/6717 AJ03 «VeriSign selling domain name business,» by Anick Jesdanun, Associated Press, October 16, 2003, http://www.usatoday.com/tech/techinvestor/techcorporatenews/ 2003‑10– 16‑netsol‑sold_x.htm AK96 «Tamper Resistance – a Cautionary Note,» by Ross J. Anderson, Markus G. Kuhn, The Second USENIX Workshop on Electronic Commerce Proceedings, Oakland, California, November 18‑21,1996. http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/tamper.pdf AK97 «Low Cost Attacks on Tamper Resistant Devices,» by RJ. Anderson, M.G. Kuhn; In M. Lomas, et al. (eds.), Security Protocols, 5th International Workshop, LNCS 1361, Springer‑Verlag, 1997 AM01 «The Conspirators: Secrets of an Iran Contra Insider» by Al Martin, National Liberty Press, 2001 AM02 «Coming Soon: Flying Fascism on Your Doorstep,» by Al Martin, www. almartin‑raw.com, March 2002, http://www.federalobserver.com/archive.php?aid=1620 AM03 «Tracking tag firm exposes confidential data online,» by Andy McCue, CNET Networks, 8 July 2003, http://www.silicon.eom/news/500013/l/5037.html ÀÌ97 Aspex Microsystems Limited home page, July 1997, http://gbop.nm.ru/am97.htm AN03 «The Pentagon's best kept open secret. Low‑profile firm heads government science efforts», AP news, July 21, 2003, http://www.cnn.com/2003/TECH/ptech/07/21/ secret.saic.ap/index.html APOO «Bill Gates gets shipbuilder stake», AP news, 25 February 2000 AP03 «Satellite Tracking of Suspects Requires a Warrant, Court Rules» by AP news, September 12, 2003, http://www.nytimes.com/2003/09/12/national/12GPS.html AR02 «Secrets of the Tomb: Skull and Bones, the Ivy League, and the Hidden Paths of Power» by Alexandra Robbins, 2002, http://www.secretsofthetomb.com/ AR03 «Analysis of an Electronic Voting System,» by Tadayoshi Kohno, Adam Stubble‑field, Aviel D. Rubin and Dan Wallach, Johns Hopkins University Rice, July 2003. http://avirubin.com/vote/ AS02 «Retrospective and Crystal Ball: Jim Wayman on biometrics», edited by Anne Saita, Information Security Magazine, November 2002, http://www.infosecuritymag.com/ 2002/nov/retrospective.shtml#ld AS03 «Briton accused in leak of NSA memo charged,» by Ariel Sabar, The Baltimore Sun, November 18, 2003, http://www.sunspot.net/news/nationworld/bal‑te.nsal8nov 18,0,5800698.story — 219 —