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BM98 «Scientific Refutation of the Bible Codes,» by Brendan McKay and Friends, 1998 so on, http://cs.anu.edu.au/~bdm/dilugim/torah.html

BN03 «Mobile users told to 'chase Bush',» by BBC NEWS, 18 November, 2003, http:// news.bbc.co.uk/2Aow/technology/3280611.stm

BO02 «A hacker creates headaches for security‑card company» by Bruce Orwall, The Wall Street Journal, Oct. 9, 2002, http://gbop.nm.ru/bo02.htm

BPOO «VeriSign Acquires Network Solutions,» by Bill Pietiucha, InternetNews.com, March 7,2000, http://dc.internet.com/news/print.php/316231

BP03 «Coming soon: biometric passports» by Associated Press, Aug. 23, 2003, http:// www.msnbc.com/news/956485.asp70si‑

BR03 «No Surveillance Tech for Tampa» by Reuters, Aug. 21, 2003, http://www.wired. com/news/politics/0,1283,60140,00.html

BR99 «Interview: The LOpht Answers,» posted by Roblimo on December 31, 1999, http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=99/12/31/1030242

BSOO «Real Time Cryptanalysis of A5/1 on a PC,» by Alex Biryukov, Adi Shamir, David Wagner, Fast Software Encryption Workshop 2000, April 10‑12, 2000, New York City, http://cryptome.or/a5.zip

BS02 «Fun with Fingerprint Readers» by Bruce Schneier, Crypto‑Gram, May 15, 2002, http://www.schneier.com/crypto‑gram‑0205.html

BS03 «National Crime Information Center Database Accuracy» by Bruce Schneier, Crypto‑Gram, April 15, 2003, http://www.schneier.com/crypto‑gram‑0304.htmltf7

BS97 «Differential Fault Analysis of Secret Key Cryptosystems,» by Eli Biham and Adi Shamir, Proceedings of Crypto'97, http://www.cs.technion.ac.il/users/wwwb/cgi‑bin/tr‑get.cgi/1997/CS/CS0910.revised.ps

BW02 «Why Spielberg's Scared: 'Big Brother Is Watching Us Now' – And It Will Get Worse», by Buck Wolf, ABC NEWS, June 20, 2002, http://abcnews.go.com/ sections/entertainment/DailyNews/minorityreport020619.html

CA03 «Taiwan hands out 22 million ID cards» by CNETAsia, September 29, 2003, http://uk.news.yahoo.com/030929/152/e9ot6.html

CB02 «Connecticut moves to block car rental firm's GPS snooping» by CBC News Online, Jan 16 2002,


ÑÂÎÇ «Å– voting given go‑ahead despite flaws,» by Celeste Biever, NewScientist.com news, 25 September 2003, http://www.newscientist.com/news/news.jsp?id= ns99994205

CC03 «CCTV no answer to street fights», BBC NEWS, 22 Dec 2003, http://news.bbc. co.uk/go/pr/fr/‑/2/hi/uk_news/3339133.stm

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