174. sman pa'i rgyal po. 175. sman bla, bhaishajyaguru. 176. sman pa. 177. Эта мантра, как она приведена здесь, лишь слегка отличается от мантры, приведенной Р.Бирнбаумом в очень полезной его книге "Врачующий Будда" (Boulder: Shambala, 1979), стр. 160 и 109 п.21. На стр. 171 п. 11 Бирнбаум переводит мантру так: "Я превозношу Господа Учителя врачевания, Царя сияния вайдурьи, Татхаг'ат, Архатов, Полностью Просветленных, говоря: "К целителю, целителю, высшему целителю взываю!" Avadon, John. In Exile from the Land of Snows. New York: Knopf, 1979. Badmajew, Peter, Jr., Badmajew, Vladimir, Jr., and Park, Lynn. Htaling Herbs: The Heart of Tibetan Medicine. Berkeley: Red Lotus Press, 1982. Birnbaum, Raoul. The Healing Buddha. Boulder: Shambhala, 1979. Clifford, Terry. Tibetan Buddhist Medicine and Psychiatry. York Beach, Mame: Samuel Weiser, 1984. Das, Sarat Chandra. A Tibetan-English Dictionary with Sanskrit Synonyms. Calcutta, 1902. Day-si-sang-gyay-gya-tso (sangs rgyas rgya mtsho, sde srid, 1653-1705). Baidurya sngon po, vols.1-4. Lch: T.Y.Tashigangpa, 1973. Smanrtsis Shesrig Spendzod Series vols. 51-4. Donden, Dr. Yeshi. "Pulse Diagnosis in Tibetan Medicine: Translated from the first chapter of the fourth Tantra". Tibetan Medicine, Series No.l, 1980, pp.13-29. Donden, Dr. Yeshi. The Ambrosia Heart Tantra, vol.1. Trans. Jampa Kelsang (Alan Wallace). Dharamsala: Library of Tibetan Works and Archives, 1977. Emmerick, R.E. "A Chapter from the Rgyud-bzhi", Asia Major, vol. XIX, part 2, pp. 141-162. Emmerick, R.E. "Some Lexical Items from the Rgyud-bzhi". Proceedings of the Csoma de Koros Memorial Symposium. Ed. Louis Ligeti. Budapest: Akademiai Kiado, 1978. Finckh, Elizabeth. Faundations of Tibetan Medicine, vol.1. Trans. by Fredericka M. Houser. London: Watkins, 1978. Goldstein, Melvyn C. English-Tibetan Dictionary of Modern Tibetan. Berkeley: U. Cal. Press, 1984. Goldstein, Melvin C. Tibetan-English Dictionary of Modern Tibetan. Kathmandu: Ratna Pustak Bhandar, 1975. Hopkins, Jeffrey. Meditation on Emptiness. London: Wisdom Publications 1983. Jam-bel-dor-jay ('jam dpal rdo rje). An Illustrated Tibeto-Mongolian Matena Medica of Ayurveda of'jam-dpal-rdo-rje of Mongolia. Ed. Lokesh Chandra. New Delhi: International Academy of Indian Culture, 1971. Shata-pitaka series, indo-Asian Literatures, vol. 82. Norbu, Namkhai. On Birth and Life: A Treatise on Tibetan Medicine. English trans. Dr. Barry Simmons. Italy: Tipografia Commerciale Venezia, 1983. Rabgay, Lobsang. "Pulse Analysis in Tibetan Medicine". Tibetan Medicine, — 141 —