Лечение пограничной личности

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  1. Adler, G. 1985 Borderline Psychopathology and Its Treatment. New York: Jason Aronson.
  2. Bandler, R., and Grinder J. Reframing: Neurolinguistic Programming and the Transformation of Meaning. Moab, Utah: Real People Press.
  3. Blanck, G., and Blanck, R. 1974. Ego Psychology. New York: Columbia University Press.
  4. Blanck, G., and Blanck, R. 1979. Ego Psychology II. New York: Columbia University Press.
  5. Bums, D. 1981 Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy. New York: Signet.
  6. Greenberg, E. 1988. “Countertransference and the Borderline Client”. Paper presented at Gestalt Associates for Psychotherapy, Feb. 1988
  7. Kemberg, 0.1976. Object Relations Theory and Clinical Psycho-analysis. New York: Jason Aronson.
  8. Kohut, H. 1971. The Analysis of the Self. New York: International Universities Press.
  9. Lear, M.W. 1988. “Designs in Nature”. The New York Times Magazine, May 15,1988, pp. 53-54.
  10. Mahler, M., Pine, F. and Bergman, A. 1985. The Psychological Birth of the Human Infant. New York: Basic Books.
  11. Masterson, J.F. 1976. Psychotherapy of the Borderline Adult: A Developmental Approach, New York: Bruner/Mazel.
  12. Masterson, J.F. 1981. The Narcissistic and Borderline Disorders: An Integrated Developmental Approach, New York: Bruner/Mazel, 1981.
  13. Masterson, J.F. 1983. Countertransference and Psychotherapeutic Technique, New York: Bruner/Mazel.
  14. Sarnoff, D. 1987. Never Be Nervous Again. New York: Crown Publishers.
  15. Stolorow and Lachmann, 1983. Psychoanalysis of Developmental Arrests: Theory and Treatment. New York: International University Press.

Элинор Гринберг, будучи одновременно и гештальттерапевтом, и обучающим психоаналитиком, преподавателем института Мастерсона, отлично передает самое главное в психотерапевтической работе с пограничными расстройствами личности

Даниил Хломов

директор программы Московский Гештальт Институт президент Общества Практикующих Психологов Гештальтподход



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