Красота и мозг. Биологические аспекты эстетики

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1. Helmhollz Н. van (1962). On the physiological causes of harmony in music. In: Kline M. (ed.). Popular scientifique lectures. Dover, New York, pp. 22-23.Translation of: Uber die physiologischen Ursachen der musikalischen Harmonic. Vorlesung gehal-ten in Bonn (1857). In: Vortrage und Reden, 5th edn. Fridrich Vieweg und Sohn. Braunschweig. 1903, pp. 119-155.

2. Kandinsky W. (1977). Concerning the spiritual in art. Dover, New York, p. 19. Translation of: Uber das Geistige in der Kunst. Piper, Munchen, 1912.

3. Malevich К. (1959). The non-objective world. Paul Theobald. Chicago, pp. 13-14. Translation of: Die gegenstandslose Welt. Bauhausbuch 11. Albert Langen, Mun-chen, 1927.

4. Slrawson P.P. (1987). Kant's philosophy of the mind. In: Gregory R.L. (ed.). The Oxford companion to the mind. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 406-408.

5. Gregory R. L. (1987). Perception as hypotheses. In: Gregory R. L. (ed.). The Oxford companion to the mind. Oxford University Press. Oxford, pp. 608-611.

6. Wertheimer M. (1974). The problem ofperceptual structure. In: Carterette E.G., Friedman M.P. (eds.). Handbook of perception. Historical and philosophical roots of perception, vol. 1. Academic. New York, pp. 75--91.

7. Kant 1. (1965). Critique of pure reason. St. Martin's, New York. Translation of: Die Kritik der reinen Vemunft. In: Kants gesammelte Schriften. Ausgabe der Preussi-schen Akademie der Wissenschaften, vol. 3. Berlin, 1904.

8. Ehrenfels С. wn (1980). Uber Gestaltqualitaten. Vierteljahresschrift fur wissen-schaftliche Philosophic, 14: 249-292.

9. Обзор по гештальтпсихологии см.: Koffka К. (1935). Principles ofGestalt psychology. Harcourt. Brace and World, New York.

10. Fechner G.T. (1860). Elemente der Psychophysik. Breitkopfund Hartel, Leipzig. 1 1. Fischer G. Н. (1968). Ambiguity of form: Old and new. Perception and Psychophysics, 4: 189-192.

12. Russell В. (1946). History of Western philosophy-and its connection with political and social circumstances from the earliest to the present day, chap. XIX. George Alien and Unwin, London.

13. Watanabe S. (1985). Pattern recognition. Human and mechanical. John Wiley, New York.

14. Kohonen T. (1988). Self-organization and associative memory, 2nd edn. Springer, Berlin, p. 24; see also Wayanabe, ibid.. chap. 2.

15. Kuhn T. S. (1970). The structure of scientific revolutions, 2nd edn. University of Chicago Press, Chicago.

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