Красота и мозг. Биологические аспекты эстетики

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8. Humphrey N.K. (1973). The illusion of beauty. Perception. 2: 429--439.

9. Сое M.D. (1962). Mexico. Praeger, New York.

10. Kennedy D. (1972). The cuisines of Mexico. Harper and Row, New York.

11. Rozin E. (1982). The structure of cuisine. In Barker L. M. (ed.). The psychology of human food selection. Avi, Westport, Conn.

12. Lin H., Lin T. (1969). Chinese gastronomy. Hastings House, New York.

13. Prakash 0. (1961). Food and drinks in ancient India. Munshi Ram Manochar. Lal, Delhi.

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