Beitr. ind Spr. R. – |
Beitr?ge zur indischen Sprachwissenschaft und Religionsgeschichte. Stuttgart |
Bibl. Buddh. – |
Bibliotheca Buddhica. SPd. |
Bibl. Ind. – |
Bibliotheca Indica. Calcutta |
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Th. Stcherbatsky. Buddhist Logic. Vol. 1-2. Leningrad, 1930-1932 |
BSO(A)S – |
Bulletin of th? School of Oriental (and African) Studies, L. |
Buddhica – |
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BUOP – |
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ERE – |
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Festschrift E. – Frauwallner |
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Festschr. – Wackernagel |
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GIAPh. – |
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GOS – |
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HJAS – |
Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies. Cambridge (Massachusetts) |
HOS – |
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IASt. – |
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IHQ – |
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JAOS – |
Journal of the American Oriental Society. New Ha-ven |
JAs. – |
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JASB – |
Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. Calcutta |
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Journal of the Bihar and Orissa Research Society. Patna |
JBTS – |
Journal of the Buddhist Text Society of India. Calcutta |
JDLC – |
Journal of the Department of Leiters of the Uni-versity of Calcutta. Calcutta |
JGIS – |
Journal of the Greater India Society, Calcutta — 42 —