Лед и Огонь. История глобальных катастроф

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  1. G.H. Mees, The Book of Stars (Deventer, Netherlands: N. Kluwer, 1954), 233.
  2. A. Le Floch и F. Bretenaker, «Early cosmic background*, Nature 352(1991)198.

16. E. Lerner, « Radio absorption by the intergalactic medium*, Astrophysical Journal 361 (1990)63—68.

  1. R. Muller, «The cosmic background radiation and the new aether drift*, Scientific American (Май 1978 г.): с 66—74.
  2. R. Muller, «Radiometer system to map the cosmic background radiation*, Review of Scientific instuments 49 (1978 г.): с. 440—448.
  3. С. Sagan, The Cosmic Connection (New York Anchor Press, 1973 г.), с. 205.

Глава вторая. Галактическая связь

  1. R.L. Brown, K.L. Johnston, «The gas density and distribution within 2 parsecs of the Galactic center*, Astrophysicdl Journal 268 (1983): L85 —L88.
  2. K.I. Kellerman et al., «The small radio source at the Galactic center*, Astrophysical Journal2l4 (1977): L61 — L62.
  3. P.A. Laviolette, Genesis of the Cosmos: The Ancient Science of Continuous Creation (Rochester, Vtj Bear&Co., 199 5,2004) 164—165.
  4. LAV. King, The Seven Tablets of Creation (London: Luzac and Co., 1902).
  1. Ibid., 83,208.
  2. P.A. Laviolette, Genesis of the Cosmos, 256—257,
  3. Ibid., 155-159.
  1. J. Jeans, Astronomy and Cosmogony (London: Cambridge University Press, 1928).
  2. VA. Ambartsumian, The Structure and Evolution of Galaxies, записки 13-й Солвейской конференции, Брюссельский университет (New York: Wiley Interscience, 1965), 241.
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