Лед и Огонь. История глобальных катастроф

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Глава первая. Небесная тайнопись

  1. О.Е. Scott «Stars in Myth and Fact» (Caldwell, Idaho: Caxton Printers, 1947), с 66.
  2. P. Watzlawick, How Real is Real: Confusion, Disinformation, Communication (New York: Vintage Books, 1976).
  3. C. Sagan и F. Drake, «A message from Earth», Science 175 (1972): c. 881—884.
  4. P.A. Laviolette, Genesis of the Cosmos: The Ancient Science of Continuous Creation (Rochester, Vt.: Bear&Co., 1995, 2004).
  5. PA Laviolette, «The alpha and the omega* (неопубликованная статья, Чикагский университет, 1973 г.)
  6. PA. Laviolette, «Ап introduction to subquantum kinetics*, части 1,2,3, International journal of General Systems 11(1985): с 281 — 345.
  7. PA Laviolette, Subquantum Kinetics: A Systems approach to Physics and Cosmology (Niskayuna, N.Y- Starlane Publications, 1994,2003).
  8. R. Lefever, «Dissipative structures in chemical systems*, Journal of Chemical Physics 49 (1968) 4977—4978.
  9. I. Prigorine, G. Nicolis, A. Babloyantz, ^Thermodynamics of evolution*, Physics Today 25, № 12 (1972 г.): с. 38—44.

10. PA Laviolette, Subquantum Kinetics.

  1. P. Christian, «The mysteries of the pyramids*, в «The History and Practice of Magic*, т. 1, кн. 2, перевод Дж. Киркуп и Дж. Шо, под ред. Р. Николса (New York: Citadel Press, 1870,1963), с 86.
  2. P.D. Ouspensky, A New Model of the Universe (New York: Vintage Boob, 1931,1971), с 320.

13. P. Christian, The History and Practice of Magic, c. 89.

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