66 M. Hirschfeld. Die Homosexualitat des Mannes und des Weibes. Berlin: 1920, SS. 229, 283. 67 Client, U. Sexualitat im sozialen Wandel. Stuttgart: Enke, 1986, S. 39. 68 M. Dannecker. SS. 35-45. 69 Dannecker, SS. 35-45. 70 M. Bochow. Die Reaktionen homosexueller Manner auf AIDS in Ost- und Westdeutschland. Berlin: Intersofia, 1993. 71 Davies, Hickson, Weatherburn et al. 72 M. Bochow. AIDS und Schwule. 73 Davies et al, pp. 109-110. 74 С. Silverstein & E. White The Joy of Gay Sex. NY: Beazeley, 1977; F. Picano and C. Silverstein. New Joy of Gay Sex. N.Y. 1992. 75 См об этом подробнее: М. Thompson, ed. Leatherfolk. Radical Sex, People, Politics, and Practice. Boston: Alyson, 1991; Т. Jacques with Dr. D. М. Hamilton Sniffer. On the Safe Edge. A Manual for SM Play. Toronto: Whole SM Publishing, 1993; I. Dominguez, Jr. Beneath the Skins. The New Spirit and Politics of the Kink Community. Los Angeles: Daedalus, 1994. 76 R. J. Stoller. Pain and Passion: A Psychoanaiyst Explores the World ofS&M. NY: Plenum Press, 1991. 77 К. E. Ernulf and S. М. Innala. Sexual bondage: a review and unobtrusive investigation. ASB, 1995, vol. 24, № 6, pp. 631-654. 78 S. М. Innala, К. E. Ernulf. Understanding male homosexual attraction: An analysis of restroom graffitti. Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, 1992, vol. 7, № 3, pp. 503-510. 79 E. Mordden. Buddies. NY: St. Martin's Press, 1986, p. 147. 80 В. Thompson. Sadomasochism. Painful Perversion or Pleasurable Play? London: Cassell, 1994. 81 F. Picano and C. Silverstein. New Joy of Gay Sex, preface. — 151 —