Лунный свет на заре. Лики и маски однополой любви

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42 Там же. С. 113.

43 RuPaul. Lettin It All Hang Out. Autobiography. N.Y.: Hyperion, 1992, p. 202.

44 Guy to Goddess, pp. 108-109.

45 См.: J. R. Kincaid. Child-loving. The Erotic Child and Victorian Literature. N.Y Routledge 1992; D. Howitt. Paedophiles and Sexual Offences Against Children. NY: Wiley 1995; M. Schetsche. Das "sexuell gefahrdete Kind". Kontinuitat und Wandel eines sozialen Problis. Pfaffenweiler: Centaurus, 1993.

46 Gebhardt and Johnson, tables 462-465.

47 Bell and Weinberg, table 7.

48 J. Harry. Gay Children Grown Up. pp. 202-211.

49 Davies, Hickson, Weatherburn and Hunt. p. 159. Более популярное изложение этих данных см. А. Р. M. Coxon. Between the Sheets. Sexual Diaries and Gay Men's Sex in the Era of AIDS. London: Cassell, 1996.

50 См.: J. R. Feierman, ed. Pedophilia. Biosocial Dimensions. NY: Springer-Verlag, 1990; С. К. Li, D. J. West, T. P. Woodhouse. Children's sexual encounters with adults. L. Duckworth 1990.

51 Howitt. Paedophiles..., p. 47.

52 См.: Р. Rossman. Sexual Experience between Men and Boys. Hownslow, Middlesex: M.T. Smith, 1976; D. Tsang, ed. The Age Taboo: Gay Male Sexuality. Power and Consent. Boston: Atyson, 1981; T. Sandfort. Boys on Their Contacts with Men. A Study of Sexually Expressed Friendships. Elmhurst, NY: Global Acadiic Publishers, 1987; Male I ntergene rational Intimacy: Historical, SocioPsychological and Legal Perspectives. Journal of Homosexuality. 1990, vol. 20, № 1-2, T. Duvert. L'Enfant au masculin. Paris Les Editions de Minuit, 1980

53 N. Rori. Knowing to Stop. A Mioir. NY: Simon and Schuster, 1994, p. 94.

54 См.: В. Rind and P.Tromovitch.A meta-analytic review of findings from national samples on psychological correlates of child sexual abuse. The Journal of Sex Research. 1997, vol. 34, № 3, pp. 237-255

55 The Journal of John Cheever. N.Y: Knopf, 1990, p. 378.

56 Y. Mishima. Les amours interdites. P.: Gallimard, 1989, pp. 452-53.

57 Харитонов Е. Слезы на цветах. M.: Глагол, 1993. Кн. 1. С. 200.

58 П р и г о в Д. А. Мой милый ласковый друг. РИСК. № 1. 1995. С. 60.

59 Харитонов. С. 76-77.

60 Mаре Ж. О моей жизни. M.: Союзтеатр, 1994. С. 83-84.

61 Там же. С. 127.

62 См.: R. Davenport-Hines. Auden. NY: Pantheon Books, 1995; H. Norse. Mioirs of a Bastard Angel. A Fifty-Year Literary and Erotic Odissey. NY.: Morrow, 1989; D. J. Farnan. Auden in Love. N.Y. Simon and Shuster, 1984.

63 Дудин С. Переводы из У. X. Одена. Волшебная гора. 1993. № 1.

64 Masters and Johnson, pp. 224-226.

63 L. W. Wells. The sexual vocabularies of heterosexual and homosexual males and fiales for communicating with a sexual partner. ASB, 1990, vol. 19, № 2, pp. 139-148.

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