Лунный свет на заре. Лики и маски однополой любви

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16 R. Blanchard and A. F. Bogaert. Biodiographic comparisons of homosexual and heterosexual men in the Kinsey interview data. ASB, 1996, vol. 25, № 6, pp. 551-579.

17 К. Starke. SS. 236-238. Ср. R. С. Savin-Williams. Invisible and Forgotten: A Study of Gay and Lesbian Youths. NY; Hiisphere, 1994.

18 Gebhardt and Johnson, pp. 493-494, 496.

111 R. Sorensen. Adolescent Sexuality in Contiporary America. NY; World Publishing, 1973, pp. 291-292. Ср. Dannecker, Reiche, SS. 55-57.

20 Davies, Hickson, Weatherburn and Hunt, p. 105.

21 Winston Leyland interviews Harold Norse. In: W. Leyland. Gay Sunshine Interviews, vol. 1. San Francisco: Gay Sunshine Press, 1978, p. 211.

23 Ми сим а Ю. Исповедь маски. Пер. с яп. СПб.: Северо-Запад, 1994. С. 47.

23 J. Goytisolo. Forbidden Territory. The Mioirs. 1931--1956. San Francisco: Northpoint Press, 1989, p. 101.

24 Gebhard and Johnson, tables 132, 138; Kinsey, Pomeroy, Martin. Sexual Behavior in the Human Male, p. 168.

25 M. Schofield. The Sexual Behavior of Young People. Boston: Little, Brown, 1965, p. 58.

26 Wellings, Field, Johnson, et al, p. 206.

27 L'entree dans la sexualite. Le compartient les jeunes dans le context de sida. Sous la direction de H. Lagrange et B. Lhomond. Paris: La decouverte, 1997, p. 203.

28 Bell, Weinberg, and Hammersmith, p. 110.

29 Starke, S. 228.

30 John Giorno interviews Taylor Mead. In: W. Leyland. Gay Sunshine Interviews, vol. 2. San Francisco: Gay Sunshine Press, 1978, p. 112.

31 Мисима. Исповедь маски. С. 38--39.

32 Герцен А. И. Былое и думы. Соч.: В 9 т. Т. 4. M.: 1956. С. 82.

33 Р. Мартен дю Гар. Семья Тибо. M.: ГИХЛ, 1957. С. 38-39.

34 R. R. Troiden. The formation of homosexual identities. JH, 1989, vol. 17, № 1/2/3/4, pp. 43-74.

35 Bell, Weinberg, and Hammersmith, p. 87.

36 S. К. Telljohann, J.H. Price. A qualitative examination of adolescent homosexuals' life experiences. JH, 1993, vol. 26, № 1, pp. 41-56.

37 M. Rosario, H. F. L. Meyer-Bahlburg, J. Hunter, et al. The psychosexual development of urban lesbian, gay, and bisexual youths. Journal of Sex Research, 1996, vol. 33, № 2, pp. 113-126.

38 G. Riafedi. Adolescent homosexuality: psychosocial and medical implications. Pediatrics, 1987, vol. 79, pp. 331--337; G. Riafedi, M. Resnick, R. Blum, et al. Diography of sexual orientation in adolescents. Pediatrics, 1992, vol. 89, pp. 714--721. Ср. H. Bardeleben, R. Fieberg, B. W. Reimann. Abschied von der sexuellen Revolution. Liebe und Sexualitat der "Nach-68-er-Generation" in Zeiten von Aids. Berlin: Edition Sigma, 1995.

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