История куртизанок

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15 Bernier, Louis the Belowed, 248.

16 Laskin, 125.

17 Там же, 203.

18 Основными источниками этого раздела являются: Lola Montez, Lectures of Lola Montez (New York: Rudd & Carleton, 1858) и Bruce Seymour, Lola Montez: a Life (New Haven and London, Yale University Press, 1996).

19 Seymour, 105.

20 Там же, 50.

21 Там же, 108.

22 Там же, 11 5.

23 Там же, 157.

24 Montez, 176–177, 190–191.

25 Основными источниками раздела о Катарине Шратт являются: The Incredible Friendship: The Letters of Emperor Franz Josef to Frau Katharina Schratt, ред. Jean de Bourgoing (New York: State University of New York, 1966); Francis Gribble, The Life and Times of Francis Joseph (Fondon: Eveleigh Nasz, 1914); Joan Haslip, The Emperor and the Actress: The Love Story of Emperor Joseph and Katharina Schratt (Fondon: Weidenfield & Nicolson, 1982); Joan Haslip, The Lonely Empress: A Biography of Elizabeth of Austria (New York: The World Publishing Со., 1965); George K. Marek, The Eagles Die: Frantz Josef, Elizabeth, and Their Austria (New York: Harper & Row, 1974); Alan Palmer, Twilight of the Elapsburgs: The Life and Times of Emperor Francis Joseph (Fondon: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1994); Joseph Redlich, Emperor Francis Joseph of Austria (Hamden: Archon Books, 1965); Henri Weindel and Philip W. Sargeant, Behind the Scenes at the Court of Vienna (Toronto: The Musson Book Co. Ltd., 1979).

26 Основными источниками раздела об Алисе Кеппел являются: Theo Aronson, The King in Love: Edward Vll’s Mistresses (London: John Murray Publishers Ltd., 1988); C. Carlton, Royal Mistresses (London: Rutledge, 1990); Graham Fisher and Heather Fisher, Bertie and Alix: Anatomy of a Royal Marriage (London: Robert Hale & Company, 1974); Christopher Hibbert, Edward VII: A Portrait (ThetFord: Lowe and Brydome, 1976); Richard Hough, Edward and Alexandra: Their Private and Public Lives (London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1992); Philippe Jullian, Edward and the Edwardians (New York: Viking Press, 1967); John Phillips, Peter Quennell, Lorna Sage, The Last of the Edwardians: An Illustrated Elistory of Violet Trefusis and Alice Keppel (Boston: Boston Athenaeum, 1985); George Plumptre, Edward VII (London: Pavilion Books Ltd., 1995); Diana Souhami, Mrs. Keppel and Her Daughter (London: HarperCollins, 1996).

27 Plumptre, 165.

28 Souhami, 91.

29 Там же, 12, цитата из дневника Вирджинии Вулф, март 1932 г.

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