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42 О создании странами собственных спутников и ракетной техники: "Star Wars", by Sterett Pope, "World Press Review", December, 1989.
43 Эффект ускорения в разведывательной деятельности: "E. European Events Out-run Intelligence Analysts, Panel Told", "Los Angeles Times", December 13, 1989.
44 Конрад, см. его "Under Western Eyes", 1911.
1 МакФерлейн в Тегеране: "Iran Says McFarlane Came on Secret Mission to Tehran", "Washington Post Foreign Service", November 11, 1986; "Cloak and Dagger", "Newsweek", November 17, 1986; "Reagan's Backdoor Hostage Deal with Iran", "U.S. News & World Report", November 17, 1986; "Cake Delivered to Iranians Was Strictly Kosher", "Los Angeles Times", February 27, 1987.
2 Diane Sherwood, "Federal Information: Who Should Get It, Who Shouldn't?", "The World & I", January, 1990.
3 Данные о количестве увольнений: "Heading for an Override?", "Time", July 18, 1988.
4 О справедливости: "Heading for an Override?", "Time", July 18, 1988; "Closing Law's Key Provisions", "Nation's Business", January, 1989; "72-73 Senate Vote Approves Notice of Plant Closings", "New York Times", July 7, 1988.
5 О гражданах Осаки: "Group Seeks Access to City's Information", "Japan Times", August 29, 1989.
6 Законодательство о свободе информации: "Role of Access Coordinators Under Scrutiny", "Transnational Data and Communication Report", March, 1989, а также "International FOI Roundup", "Transnational Data Report", June, 1985. В этом журнале содержатся сведения о движении за свободу информации.
7 О запросах в конгрессе: "Transportation Secretary Assails Publicizing of Terrorist Warnings", "New York Times", April 13, 1989.
8 Инцидент на северо-западных авиалиниях: "Northwest Planned to Disclose Bomb Threat at the Gate", "Los Angeles Times", December 30, 1989; "Northwest Warns Flight's Ticket Holders of Threat", "New York Times", December 29, 1989.

9 О СПИДе: "AIDS: Who Should Be Tested?", "Newsweek", May 11, 1987; "As AIDS Spooks the Schoolroom", "U.S. News and World Report", September 23, 1985; "Putting AIDS to the Test", "Time", March 2, 1987; "Mandatory Testing for AIDS?", "Newsweek", February 16, 1987.
10 Имеет ли какая-нибудь страна право знать о других странах? "Sweden Protests to Moscow Over Lack of Warning", "Financial Times", April 30, 1986; "Russians Pressed to Give Full Details of Nuclear Disaster", "The Times" (London), April 29, 1986.
11 Статья Стэнсфилда Тернера: "The U.S. Responded Poorly to Chernobyl", "New York Times", May 23, 1986.
12 Инцидент с химическим оружием в Ливии: "Libyan Plant Sparks Storm in Bonn", "Washington Post", January 19, 1989; "West Germany in Libya Probe", "Financial Times", January 14/15, 1989; "Senator Assails Bonn in Libya Scandal", "Los Angeles Times", January 29, 1989; "Vigilance, Luck Expose Libya Plant", "Los Angeles Times", January 22, 1989.
13 Пиратское копирование записей: "Thai Copyright War Divides Washington", "Financial Times", January 27, 1989.
14 Книжное пиратство: "Barbary Book Prates", "World Press Review", June, 1986; "La book connection", "L'Express", March 29, 1985; "Copyright Holders Name 12 Pirate Nations", "Financial Times", April 25, 1989.
15 О фильме "Индиана Джонс": "High-Tech Tactics Slow Film Piracy", "New York Times", January 20, 1986.
16 О тайваньских подростках: "Pulling the Plug on Pirate Videos", "Los Angeles Times", January 8, 1990.
17 О краже компьютерных программ: "Psst! hey, mister, want to buy some software cheap?", "PC Computing", October, 1988; "Thai Copyright War Divides Washington", "Financial Times", January 27, 1989.
18 Японская позиция в отношении интеллектуальной собственности: "Putting a Price on Intellect", "Journal of Japanese Trade and Industry", no. 5, 1988.
19 Позиция EC: "Brussels Plan for IPR Control", "Financial Times", July 4, 1989.
20 Слова Харлана Кливленда взяты из: "WFSF Newsletter" (World Future Studies Federation), July, 1989.

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