15 Скалли цит. по [154], р. 96-97.
16 Отношения Matsushita с поставщиками: "Manufacturing Innovations Save 'Shitauke'", "Japan Economic Journal", January 16, 1988.
17 Группы пользователей VAX и Lotus: "The Number of user Groups Is Adding Up", by Judith A. Finn, "Digital Review", April 18, 1988.
18 Пользователи IBM: "Council Unites Top IBM User Groups", by Paul Tate, "Datamation", September 15, 1987.
1 Две триллионные секунды: "New Chips Offer the Promise of Much Speedier Computers", "New York Times", January 4, 1989.
2 О совместной обработке данных и одновременной инженерии: "Strategic Alliances Make Marketing & Manufacturing an International Game", by George Weimer, et al., "Industry Week", November 21, 1988 (раздел "Integrated Manufacturing").
3 О "как раз вовремя": "Added Value Emanating from Acronyms", "Financial Times", December 13, 1989.
4 Motorola's Team Bandit: "State-of-the-Art CIM in 18 Months?" by John H. Sheridan, "Industry Week", December 5, 1988.
5 Преимущество японской автомобильной индустрии: "Time - The Next Source of Competitive Advantage", by George Stalk, Jr., "Harvard Business Review", July-August, 1988.
6 Toyota и ускорение банка: "Fast-Cycle Capability for Competitive Power", by Joseph L. Bowler and Thomas M. Hout, "Harvard Business Review", November-December, 1988.
1 Крупи цит. по: "Political Risk Begins at Home", "Across the Board", January, 1986.
2 Об озабоченности английской королевы см.: "Scottish Nationalism Threatens British Unity", "Los Angeles Times", December 25, 1988.
3 Габсбурги в Центральной Европе: [545], p. 26, 27, 422.
4 О последствиях землетрясения в Токио: "The Japanese Earthquake Explained" (first published, September 1923), "Natural
History", April, 1980; "When the Big One Hits Tokyo..." by Edith Terry, "World Press Review", December, 1989, and "How a Tocyo Earthquake Could Devastate Wall Street", by Michael Lewis, Manhattan, inc., June, 1989.
5 О возрастании межэтнических столкновений в США: "New Interehnic Conflict Replaces an L.A. History of Biracial Politics", "Los Angeles Times", January 7, 1990; "Shake-Up at Latino Station Sparks Protest", "Los Angeles Times", June 6, 1989; "Cubans, not Haitians, Offered Legal Status: Black "Outraged", by Kathleen Kelly, "National Catholic Reporter", February 24, 1984; "Showdown on Middle Neck Road", by Robert Sper, "Present Tense", May-June, 1989; "Swapping Lessons", "Los Angeles Times", January 11, 1990; "Rapping Solo", "Billboard", January 13, 1990.
6 О первом нацистском митинге, где выступал Гитлер, см.: [580], р. 54.
7 О решающих меньшинствах: [103], см. всю книгу, особенно главу 12 о ложе П-2; также [95], р. 16; [165], р. 3-4 и всю книгу после "Gelli"; "The Roots of Kahanism", Ha'am" newspaper, University of California at Los Angeles, Juanuary-February 1987; "Links of Anti-semitic Band Provokes 6-State Parley", "New York Times", December 27, 1984; "Neo-Nazis Dream of Racist Territory", "New York Times", July 5, 1986; "The Charmer", "New York magazine", October 7, 1985; "Lyndon LaRouche: From Marxist Left to Well-Connected Right", by John Mintz, "Washington Post National Weekly", February 25, 1985; "LaRouche Fringe Stirs in Germany", "New York Times", June 30, 1986; [203] см. всю книгу.
8 Об увеличении числа групп, разжигающих ненависть: "Rioting in the Sreets: Deja Vu?" by William L. Tafoya, "C(riminal) J(ustice)" - the Americas, December 1989 - January 1990.
9 Относительно разрастания "священных войн" см.: "High-Intensity Aggressive Ideologies as an International Treat", by Yehezkel Dror, "Jerusalem Jornal of International Relations", vol. 9, N. 1, 1987.
1 Высказывание Этуотера дается в изложении, услышанном автором.
2 Статью Цуруми см.: "F Bureaucratic Hold on Japan", "Los Angeles Times", January 25, 1988.
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