6014 Smith N. American Empire: Roosevelt's Geographer and the Prelude to Globalization. University of California Press, Berkeley, 2003. P. xii. 6025 Rachman G. The Bretton Woods Sequel will Flop / / London Financial Times, November 10, 2008. 6036 Kirby M.W. Op. cit. P. 91-92. 6047 Collier P. & Horowitz D. The Rockefellers: An American Dynasty. Holt Rinehart | Winston, New York, 1976. P. 234-235. 6058 Argy V. The Postwar International Monetary Crisis. George Allen & Unwin, London, 1981. P. 24. 6069 Stadnichenko A. Monetary Crisis of Capitalism. Progress Publishers, Moscow: 1975. P. 88-101. 60710 Ibid. P. 100-103. 60811 Harbutt Fr. J. The Iron Curtain: Churchill, America and the Origins of the Cold War. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1986. P. 101-149. 60912 Clarke R. Anglo-American Economic Collaboration 1942–1949. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1982. P. 21-26. 61013 Gardner R. N. Sterling-Dollar Diplomacy. Clarendon Press, Oxford. 1956. P. 184-186. 61114 Macmillan H. Op. cit. 6251 Nitze Р. р а/ NSC 68: United States Objectives and Programs for National Security, A Report to the President Pursuant to the President's Directive of January 31, 1950, dated April 14, 1950. Reprinted in Naval War College Review, May-June, 1975. Vol. XXVII. P. 51-108. 6262 Tanzer M. Op. cit. P. 78. 6273 Kennan G. Policy Planning Study 23 (PPS/23): 'Review of Current Trends in U.S. Foreign Policy, // Foreign Relations of the United States, 1948. Vol. I. P. 509-529. Сначала было классифицировано как «совершенно секретно», но позже рассекречено. 6284 Williams W. A. Op. cit. Р. 208. 6295 US Senate Select Committee on Small Business, ECA and MSA Relations with International Oil Companies Concerning Petroleum Prices, 82nd Congress, 2nd Session, 1952. 6306 Painter D. S. Oil and the Marshall Plan / / Business History Review, Autumn 1984. No. 58. P. 359-383. 6317 Bell P. M H. The World Since 1945: An International History. Hodder Arnold, Oxford, 2001. 6328 По поводу деталей британских разведывательных операций с участием британской Мата Хари Эвелин Петерсон с целью поколебать позицию влиятельного изоляциониста Сената Ванденберга в благоприятном для британцев направлении, см. Mahl Th. Е. Desperate Deception: British Covert Operations in the United States, 1939–1944. Brassey's, London, 1998. P. 150-154. — 343 —