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XIII. J. W. Tate, "The Public Schools of Germany": Internationale Zeitschrift fur Erziehung, VI, (1937), S. 172.

XIV Tate, p. 172.

XV. G. A. Rowan-Robinson, "Training of the Nazi leaders of the Future" (Ansprache im Chattham House, London, am 27. Januar 1938, under Chairmanship of Major В. T. Reynold, M. C, in: International Affairs (Marz 1938), pp. 237, 235, 241.


XVI. Harald Scholtz, Nationalsozialistische Ausleseschulen. Internatsschulen als Herrschaftsmittel des Fuhrerstaates (Gottingen, 1973), S. 99.

XVII. Volker Raddatz, Englandkunde im Wandel deutscher Erziehungsziele (о. O., 1977), p. 146.

XVIII. Theodor Wilhelm, "Scholars or Soldiers? Aims and results of "Nazi" education": Internationale Zeitschrift fur Erziehung, VIII (vom 5. November 1939), S. 95.

XIX. Harald Scholtz, Nationalsozialistische Ausleseschulen, S. 190; Price Ward, Extra-special Correspondent (London, 1957), S. 201.

XX. Volker Raddatz, Englandkunde im W&ndel deutscher Erziehungsziele (n. p., 1977), p. 146.

XXI. Ross McKibbin, Class and Culture. England 1918-1951 (London, 1998), pp. 238, 245; Т. C. Worsley, Barbarians and Philistines. Democracy and the Public Schools (London, 1940), pp. 121,200.

XXII. H. John Field, Toward a Programme of Imperial Life. The British Empire at the turn of the Century (Oxford, 1982), pp. 22, 35, 39; J. A. Mangan, in: John Mackenzie, Imperialism and Popular Culture (Manchester, 1986), p. 116.

XXIII. Gerwin StrobI, The Germanic Isle. Nazi perceptions of Britain (Cambridge, 2000), pp. 80, 69, 76, 82.

XXIV Rudolf Diels, Luzifer ante portas (Stuttgart, 1950), S. 84, zitiert in Josef Henke, England in Hitlers politischem Kalkul, 1935-1939 (Boppard, 1973), S. 22; Hitler, Monologe im Fuhrerhauptquartier (Rindlach, 1988), S. 393:6 September, 1942; Hans F. K. Gunther, Ritter, Tod und Teufel. Der heldische Gedanke (Munchen, edition of 1920), S. 96: "Ruchlose Willenstat"; Raddatz, S. 152; StrobI, pp. 42, 64.

XXV. StrobI, pp. 77, 169, 223, 69, 90, 91.

XXVI. Johannes H. Voigt, "Hitler and Indien": Vierteljahreshefte fur Zeitgeschichte, IX (1971), S. 33, 49; SS-General Walter Schellenberg, Invasion 1940. The Nazi invasion Plan for Britain (London, 2000), p. 27; Die Welt vom 15. August, 2000: "Operation Seelowe".

XXVII. Raddatz, S. 143, 152, 157 (Anml91, 192), zitiert O. Harlander, "Franzosisch und Englisch im Dienste der rassenpolitischen Erziehung": Neue Sprachen, No. 44 (1936), S. 50.

XXVIII. Raphael Samuel (Editor), Patriotism. The Making and Unmaking of British National Identity, Vol. I (London, 1989), p. 58; William Henry Poole, History, the True Key to Prophecy in which the Anglo-Saxon Race is shown to be the lost tribes of Israel (Brooklyn, 1880, cited in John Higham, Strangers in the Land. Patterns of American Nativism 1860-1925 (Westfort, Conn.; USA, 1981), p. 367); William Haller, Foxe's Book of Martyrs and the Elect Nation (London, 1967), p. 87, (начиная с елизаветинских времен, эта книга считалась самой влиятельной в Англии после Библии — утверждал Эдвин Джонс: Edwin Johnes, The English Nation. The Great Myth (1998), pp. 56, 57).

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