In the old burial monuments of the Western Area, the dominating elements were water and stone, of the Eastern Area - fire. The greater role of stone in the Western Area is still evident in the 19th-20th centuries. Here burial monuments - roofed shrines usually had stone base and the crosses were also of stone. Stones were used in building hearths; occasionally farms were enclosed with stone fences. Motifs of water occur more frequently in the folk art of the Western Area. The favourite colours were black and blue there. In the east, the dominant colours were white and symbols of the sun and fire figured prominently in the folk art of this area. Even in the 19th-20th centuries the dominant role of fire was still evident in family and calendar customs and beliefs. Odd numbers, especially ”one” were popular here. The Central Area gave preference to floral and animal motifs, symbols of the earth and even numbers (”two”). three Baltic areas also exhibit different degrees of mythologisation of the various plants, animals and other objects of both the animate and inanimate world which played different roles in the mythical world- outlook of the ancient Balts. Birds associated with celestial gods are more frequently found in the folklore, folk art and calendar holidays of the Eastern Area. Animals related to earthly gods are more common in the Central Area, while the Western Area favours fishes and reptiles which are associated with water and the underworld. A more detailed analysis of different species of animals shows that in the mythical tradition of the Western Balts preference was given to the pig which is usually related to the underworld and death; the Central Balts favoured the goat and the horse which symbolised fertility, while the Eastern 33alts preferred cattle and sheep. From among reptiles, Western Balts preferred the toad, Central Balts - the grass-snake, and Eastern Balts - the snake”. — 208 —