«Триглавы в традиционализме или некоторые аспекты троичности мира», (готовится к печати: «Мифы и магия индоевропейцев», вып 11-12., -Киев, -М.: София, 2000) В индийской ветви традиционализма непосредственным предшественником Тримурти выступает Трилока [5]. Это есть представление о трехчленной Вселенной, состоящей из неба(и воды), земли (и воды), подземного мира (и воды). “Вода” выпадает из триады по причине универсальной сущности и связует все эти три члена. Сохранилось изображение Лока-Пуруша (рис. 1.) - древнеиндийский образ Вселенной в виде человеческого существа с женским лицом, нижняя часть тела соответствует подземному миру (семи подземным сферам), средняя часть тела - земному миру, верхняя часть тела - это десять небесных сфер. В йогическом учении о чакрах как раз три ядра сознания (верхнее-среднее-нижнее), так и устроен Лока-Пуруша». «THE WORLD OUTLOOK OF THE ANCIENT BALTS» Senov?s balt? pasaul??i?ra, Strukt?ros bruo?ai, Norbertas V?lius, Vilnius, ‘’Mintis’’, 1983, 309 pp. SUMMARY “The traditional culture of the Balts is analysed on the basis of the following” oppositions: low - high, west - east, water - fire, black - white, moon - sun, old - young etc. These oppositions enabled us to trace the contours of the system of the ancient Baltic world outlook. Baltic culture in the Western Area features the left members of the oppositions, in the Eastern Area - the right members of the oppositions, while the Central Area features the intermediate stage. This regularity can be observed as early as the Bronze Age and its traces are still evident today” For example, at the beginning of our era (1st-4th centuries A. D.). the dead were inhumed (buried ”low”) in the Western Area, and were buried in barrows (”high”) in the Central Area. In the 5th-8th centuries A. D., the dead in the Western Area were buried without cremation; in the Central Area they sometimes were cremated and sometimes not, and in the Eastern Area the dead were cremated and buried in barrows. In the 19th-20th centuries low burial monuments ”krik?tai” and roofed shrines (koplyt?l?s) not higher than 2 metres dominate in the Western Area; shrine crosses (koplytstulpiai) as high as 4 metres are found in the Central Area; while roofed crosses (stogastulpiai) as high as 8 metres dominate in the Eastern Area. Beginning with the Bronze Age domestic hearths in the Western Area were built in pits, while in the Eastern Area hearths were mostly built above ground. In the 18th-20th centuries hearths in the Western and Central Areas were built in pits, while in the Eastern Area they were built in’ stoves which were raised on wooden platforms. Even the height of cooking pots exhibits considerable differences. During the Bronze Age, low pots dominated in the west, and high pots in the east. — 207 —