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NSOO «Name.Space, Inc. v. Network Solutions», US Court Of Appeals, Decided: January 21,2000, http://namespace.pgmedia.net/law/appeal/2ndcir‑dec.html

NS02 NavSource Online: Aircraft Carrier Photo Archive, PCU GEORGE H.W. BUSH (CVN‑77), http://www.navsource.org/archives/02/77.htm

NS03 «Stop dodging the awkward truth,» by Norman Solomon, The Observer, March 9, 2003,http://www.observer.co.uk/iraq/story/0,12239,910381,00.html

NY03 «NYC police to destroy database on protesters,» by AP, Apr 11, 2003, http://www.usatoday.com/tech/news/techpolicy/2003‑04‑l l‑nypd‑database_x.htm

OI89 Obituary: «Intrepid» – Sir William Stephenson, Time, Feb. 13,1989, page 76

OR03 «SAIC has role in cellphone changes,» The Oak Ridger, 27 November 2003, http://www.oakridger.eom/stories/l 12703/new_20031127006.shtml

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PD02 «Arlington 'Bait Car' Hooks Suspect,» by By Patricia Davis, The Washington Post, 16 April 2002, http://lists.jammed.com/crime/2002/04/0099.html

PE03 «Hall Monitors or Spies? Wireless Tech to Track Building Occupants,» by By Paul Eng, ABC News, Sept. 10, 2003, http://abcnews.go.com/sections/scitech/ Fu‑tureTech/smartbadges03 0910.html

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PKOO «Biometrical Fingerprint Recognition: Don't Get Your Fingers Burned,» by Ton van der Putte and Jeroen Keuning, in the Proceedings of Fourth Working Conference on Smart Card Research and Advanced Applications, pages 289‑303, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000; http://cryptome.org/fake‑prints.htm

PK03 «In the Company of Spies,» by Paul Kaihla, Business 2.0, May 01, 2003, http://www.business2.com/subscribers/articles/mag/0,1640,49068,00.html.

PK96 «Timing Attacks on Implementations of Diffie‑Hellman, RSA, DSS, and Other Systems,» by P. Kocher, in Crypto 96 Proceedings, LNCS 1109, Springer‑Verlag, 1996. http://www.cryptography.com/resources/whitepapers/TimingAttacks.pdf

PL98 «Re: Status of GSM Crypto Attacks», Paul Leyland, posting to uk‑crypto@maillist.ox.ac.uk mailing list, 21 Oct 1998, http://jya.com/gsml02898.htm

PR02 «Can a Hacker Outfox Microsoft?» by Peter Rojas, Oct. 18, 2002, Wired News, http://www.wired.com/news/technology/0,1282,55807,00.html

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