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ML03 «Voting Machines Gone Wild!» by Mark Lewellen‑Biddle, In These Times, 11 Dec 2003, http://www.mthesetmes.cony comments.php?id=490_0_l_0_C

MM01 «Making Dead Birds The Deal of the Century,» by Michael Menduno, Wired, August 2001, http://www.wired.com/wired/archive/9.08/mustread.html?pg=8

MM03 «What's inside the government's e‑voting booth?» by Susan M. Menke, GCN, 14 July 2003, http://www.gcn.com/22_18/new_products‑technology/22718‑l.html

MN02 «Homeland Insecurity,» by Merrell Noden, Popular Science, September 2002, http://www.popsci.com/popsci/science/article/0,12543,335438,00.html

PY03 «Peru wants Yale to give back relics,» by Associated Press, March 6, 2003, http://www.cnn.com/2003/WORLD/americas/03/06/peru.relic.ap/

MP03 «The Real 'Saving of Private Lynch',» by Mitch Potter, Toronto Star, May 4, 2003 http://www.refuseandresist. org/war/art.php?aid=769

MR02 «How to find hidden cameras», by Marc Roessler, preprint, 2002, http://www.tentacle.franken.de/papers/hiddencams.pdf

MR03 «Intel Backs Off Security Plan: LaGrande architecture will appear in only some chips, and can be disabled,» by Robert McMillan, IDG News Service, September 17, 2003,http://www.pcworld.com/resource/printable/article/0,aid,112519,00.asp

MS01 «Bruce Lee's Fantastic Comeback,» by Michael Stroud, Wired News, November 16, 2001, http://www. wired. com/news/digiwood/0,1412,48449,00.html

MZ02 «Scanning Tech a Blurry Picture,» by Declan McCullagh and Robert Zarate, Wired News, Feb 16, 2002, http://www.wired.com/news/print/0,1294,50470,00.html

ND03 «NDS Rejects EchoStar Lawsuit as Opportunistic and Baseless,» NDS Press Release, 20 June 2003, http://www.nds.com/newspdfs/EchoStar_200603.pdf

NH96 «Secret Power,» by Nicky Hager, Craig Potton Publishing, New Zealand, 1996.

N102 «Top Ten Most Stolen Vehicles in the U.S.» by the US National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB), December 10, 2002, http://www.mymobileguardian.com/MG/ MG_topten.asp

N103 «NIST Symposium on Building Trust and Confidence in Voting Systems,» Gaithers‑burg, Maryland, Dec. 10‑11,2003, http://vote.nist.gov/

NN01 «NASA and NIMA Begin Joint Review Of Mars Polar Lander Search Analysis,» NASA Press Release, 26 Mar 2001, http://sse.jpl.nasa.gov/whatsnew/pr/ 010326A.html

NP98 «Probing into C2 security claims: Is NT as secure as Microsoft has said it is?» by Nicholas Petreley, InfoWorld, July 13, 1998, http://www.infoworld.com/pageone/ opinions/petrel/980713np.htm

NR02 «GSM calls even more secure thanks to new A5/3 Algorithm,» ETSI News Release, 3 July 2002, http://www.etsi.org/pressroom/previous/2002/3algorithm.htm

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