Наркотики, электрошок и демоны

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Cutters are taught to dissect animal or human sacrifices (they are also known as the “slicers and dicers” of the cult). They can do a kill quickly, emotionlessly, and efficiently. They are trained from early childhood on.

Chanters sing, sway, or lead choruses of sacred songs on high holy occasions.

High Priest/Priestess

The person who holds this job is changed every few years in most groups, although it may be held longer in smaller, more rural groups. These people administrate and lead their local cult group as well as coordinate jobs within the cult, give assignments, and pass on meeting dates given from the local hierarchy or leadership council. They also will activate the local group’s telephone tree, evaluate their local group members for job performance, and lead in all spiritual activities. They report to the local or regional leadership council over their group.


These people teach local group members their assigned jobs and monitor the performance of these jobs at local group meetings or after an assigned task. These people report to the high priest/priestess over their group, as well as to the local head trainer on leadership council.


These are the people who brutally punish/discipline members caught breaking rules or acting outside of or above their authority. They are universally despised by other cult members, although they will be praised for a job well done by the local high priest or priestess. Usually physically strong, they will employ any method deemed necessary to prevent a recurrence of the undesired behavior. Punishment may be public or private, depending upon the severity of the infraction. Each local group has several punishers.


These people will track down and keep an eye on members who attempt to leave their local group. They are taught to use dogs, guns, taser, and all necessary tracking techniques. They are also adept at using the internet to monitor a person’s activities. They will track credit card use, checks written, and employ other methods to find a missing person.


These people teach group classes to children to indoctrinate cult philosophy, languages, and specialized areas of endeavor. Child care These people care for very young children when the adults are at local group meeting. Usually care is for young infants only. After age two, children are routinely engaged in some form of group activity led by trainers of the youngest children. Infant child care workers are usually quiet and coldly efficient.

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