Prostitutes Prostitutes can be a male or female of any age. They are trained from earliest childhood to give sexual favors to one or more adults in return for payment to the child’s parents or their local cult group. Occasionally, the prostitute may be given to a member of the cult, on a temporary basis, as a “reward” for a job well done. Child prostitution is a big business for the cult, and training very young children in this role is taken very seriously. Child prostitutes are also used to blackmail political figures or leadership outside the cult. Pornography A child used in pornography ( which may include bestiality) can also be of any age or sex. Child pornography is also big business in the cult, and includes snuff films. Children are trained in this role from preschool on, often with the help or approval of the child’s parents. The parents are paid or given favors by the cult in return for selling their child or allowing their child to be trained in this area. Media personnel These are very bright, verbal people. They will be sent to journalism school and will work for local or regional media upon graduation. These individuals have many contacts within the organization as well as the outside world. They write books and articles sympathetic to the Illuministic viewpoint without ever revealing their true affiliation. They will tend to do biased research in their articles, favoring only one viewpoint, such as denying the existence of DID or ritual abuse. For instance, they will interview only psychiatrists/psychologists sympathetic to this viewpoint and will skew data to present a convincing picture to the general public. If necessary, they will outright lie or make up data to support their viewpoint. There are members of groups whose people have been purposely trained to try and help formulate public opinion on the nonexistence of the cult (i.e., cults don’t exist, no rational person would believe this “mass hysteria”). The Illuminists believe that to control the media is to control the thinking of the masses. For this reason, they take training media personnel quite seriously. Helpers at rituals Cleaners clean up meticulously after rituals. They will scour the site after a ceremony, rake the area, etc. They are taught this job from preschool years on. Preparers set up tables, cloths, candles, and paraphernalia quickly and efficiently. This job is learned from infancy on. Readers read from the book of Illumination or local group archives; they also keep copies of sacred literature in a safe vault and are trained in ancient languages. Readers are valued for their clear speaking voices and ability to dramatize important passages and bring them to life. — 111 —