Смертоносный экспорт Америки - демократия

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[195] killinghope.org/bblum6/bulgaria.htm.

[196] Дальнейшее обсуждение этого см.: Blum William. Freeing the World to Death. Common Courage Press, Monroe ME, 2004. P. 166–171.

[197] From a March 5, 2007. Press-release by Archives of General Psychiatry.

[198] Guardian. February 17, 2006.

[199] Доклад Международной комиссии по расследованиям преступлений против человечности, совершенных администрацией Буша // New York, session of January 21, 2006.

[200] Associated Press. August 1, 2007.

[201] Press conference. February 25, 2009. Транскрипция Federal News Service.

[202] Agence France Presse (AFP). January 20, 2009.

[203] New York Times. December 29, 1998.

[204] Associated Press. November 17, 2008.

[205] Cm.: Blum William. Rogue State: A Guide to the World’s Only Superpower. Common Courage Press, Monroe ME, 2005. Vol. 10. Supporting Pol Pot.

[206] Cm.: Blum William. Killing Hope: US Military and CIA Interventions since World War II. Zed Books, London, 2003. Vol. 20. Cambodia, 1955–1973.

[207] www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2009/02/jones_munich_conference.html.

[208] Reuters news agency. January 30, 2009.

[209] The War Crimes Act (18 U. S. C. 2441).

[210] Haaretx. January 30, 2009.

[211] Blum William. Rogue State. P. 71–76.

[212] Los Angeles Times. February 1, 2009.

[213] New York Times. February 6, 2009.

[214] Fare News Agency (Iran). November 21, 2006.

[215] Senate Committee on Veterans’ Affaire. Is Military Research Hazardous to Veterans Health? Lessons Spanning Half a Century. December 8, 1994. P. 5.

[216] Там же, в разных местах.

[217] Washington Post. October 2 and 23, 1996, July 31, 1997 — для оценки количества солдат, подвергшихся воздействию.

[218] Journal of the American Medical Association. September 1, 1999. P. 822.

[219] Washington Post. December 20, 2006. P. 19.

[220] Associated Press. January 15, 2006.

[221] Los Angeles Times. January 29, 2006.

[222] Washington Post. November 15, 2005.

[223] Washington Post. November 18, 1996.

[224] Reuters. June 10, 2002.

[225] Messer Ellen, Cohen Marc J. US Approaches to Food and Nutrition Rights, 1976–2008.

[226] Sunday Telegraph (Australia). December 19, 2010.

[227] Salon.com. December 15, 2010; www.salon.com/news/wikileaks/index.html?story=/opinion/greenwald/201o/i2/14/manning; Washington Post. December 16, 2010.

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