Смертоносный экспорт Америки - демократия

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[123] Newsweek. April 3, 2006.

[124] Washington Post. April 15, 2006.

[125] Associated Press, March 27, 2006.

[126] Philadelphia Inquirer. March 26, 2006.

[127] Lithic Dahlia. Slate.com. March 28, 2006.

[128] Washington Post. January 2, 2006.

[129] Ibid.

[130] Blum William. Freeing the World to Death: Essays on the American Empire. Common Courage Press, Monroe ME, 2004. P. 134–138.

[131] Washington Post. January 3, 2006.

[132] Associated Press. September 8, 2002.

[133] New York Times. November 6, 2003.

[134] Washington Post. October 22, 2005.

[135] New York Times. April 10, 1988. Sect. 4. P. 3. Re Iran; Washington Post. August 4 and September 4, 1988.

[136] New York Times. January 31, 2003.

[137] Lando Barry. Saddam Hussein, a Biased Trial // Le Monde. October 17, 2005.

[138] New York Times. October 3, 2005.

[139] Reuters news agency. October 17, 2005.

[140] Washington Post. September 20, 21; Al Jazeera. September 19, 2005.

[141] Заявление сделано президентом на Конвенте ветеранов иностранных войн 17 августа 2009 г.

[142] Заявление сделано в Школе современных международных исследований Пола Нитце // Washington, DC. September 20, 2007.

[143] См., например, Oil Barons Court Taliban in Texas. Telegraph. December 17, 1997; обсуждение ТАПИ (трубопровода) и связанных с ним вопросов см. в статье инженера международной нефтяной компании Джона Фостера (John Foster): www.ensec.org/index.php?option.=com_content&view=article&:id=233:afghanistan_the_tapi_pipeline_and_energy_geopolitics&cati.

[144] The Times Online. May 31, 2010.

[145] Associated Press. May 31, 2010.

[146] Vermont television station WCAX. July 4, 2009; WCAX.com.

[147] Los Angeles Times. July 6, 2007.

[148] Barker Kim. Chicago Tribune. July 8, 2007.

[149] Los Angeles Times. July 6, 2007.

[150] Washington Post. April 22, 1999.

[151] Blum William. Rogue State: A Guide to the World’s Only Superpower Common Courage Press, Monroe ME, 2005. P. 103–104.

[152] US Department of the Army, Afghanistan, A Country Study (1986). P. 121, 128, 130, 223, 232.

[153] AlterNet, www.alternet.org. May 5, 2006.

[154] Associated Press. December 12, 2006.

[155] washingtonpost.com/wp_dyn/content/article/2007/09/24/AR2007092401042.html.

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