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596. * L?vi-Strauss Ñ. Mythologiques. III. L'Origine des mani?res de table. P., 1968.

597. * L?vi-Strauss C. Les champignons dans la culture. — «L'Homme». Vol. 10, 1970, ¹ 1.

598. * L?vi-Strauss C. Rapports de sym?trie entre rites et mythes de peuples voisins. — The Translation of culture. L., 1971.

599. * L?vi-Strauss C. Comment meurent les mythes. — Science et Conscience de la Soci?t?. M?langes en l'honneur de Raymond Aron. P., 1971.

600. * L?vi-Strauss C. Mythologiques. IV. L'homme nu. P., 1971.

601. * L?vi-Strauss Ñ. [ðåö. íà: ] M. D?tienne. Les jardins d'Adonis. — «L'Homme». Vol. 12, 1972, ¹ 4

602. * L?vi-Strauss C. Structuralism and ecology. — Gildersleeve Lecture delivered March 28. N. Y. 1972 (ïåðåïå÷. â: «Social Science Information». T. 12, 1973, ¹ 1).

603. * L?vi-Strauss C. Anthropologie structurale deux. P., 1973.

604. * L?vi-Strauss C. La voie des masques. 1, 2. Gen?ve, 1975.

605. * L?vi-Strauss C. Mythe et oubli. Langue, Discours, Soci?t?. Pour Emile Benveniste, 1975.

605a. * L?vi-Strauss C. Pr?face. — R. Jakobson. Six le?ons sur le son et le sens. P., 1976 (àíãë, ïåð.: Preface. — R. Jacobson. Six lectures on sound and meaning. Sussex. 1978).

606. Lewin K. A dynamic theory of personality. N. Y., 1935.

607. * Lindy L. M. Patrilateral cross-cousin marriage among the Magrie Niac: preferential or prescriptive. — AmAnth. Vol. 69, 1967, ¹ 1.

608. * Lindenbaum S. Woman and the left hand: social status and symbolism in East Pakistan. — «Mankind». Vol. 6, 1968, ¹ 11.

609. Ling Shun-Sheng. Human Figures with Protruding Tongue Found in the Taitung Prefecture, Formosa, and Their Affinities Found in Other Pacific Areas. — «Bulletin of the Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica». ¹ 2, Nankang. Taipei (Taiwan), 1956.

610. Lint on R. The study of man. N. Y., 1936.

611. * Littlejohn J. Twins, birds, etc. Reply to Professor Evans-Pritchard. — BTLV. D. 126, 1970.

612. Livi L. Trattato di demografia. Padua, 1940–1941.

613. Livi L. Consid?rations th?oriques et pratiques sur le concept de «Minimum de population». — «Population». Vol. 4, 1949, ¹ 4.

614. * Livingston F. B. Genetic, ecology and the origins of incest and exogamy. — «Current anthropology». Vol. 10. Glasgow, 1969, ¹ 1.

615. * Lloyd G. E. R, Polarity and analogy: Two types of argumentation in early Greek thought. Cambridge, 1966.

616. * Locher G. W. De Anthropolog L?vi-Strauss en het problem van de Geschiedenis. — «Forum der Letteren». Novembre 1961.

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