495. L?vi-Strauss Ñ. La notion d'archa?sme en ethnologie. — «Cahiers internationaux de sociologie». Vol. 12, 1952. Òî æå — â [534] (* pyc. ïåð.: ãë. VI íàñò. èçä.). 496. L?vi-Strauss Ñ. Les structures sociales dans le Br?zil central et oriental. — Proceedings of the 29th Congress of Americanists. N. Y., 1952. To æå — â [534] (* pyc. ïåð.: ãë. VII íàñò. èçä.). 497. L?vi-Strauss Ñ. Race et histoire. P., 1952 (* íîâîå èçä.: 1967, ïåðåèçä. â [603]). 498. * L?vi-Strauss Ñ. Kinship Systems of Three Chittagong Hill Tribes. — «Southwestern Journal of Anthropology». Vol. 8, 1952, ¹ 1. 499. * L?vi-Strauss C. Miscellaneous Notes on the Kuki. — «Man». Vol. 52, 1952. ¹ 284. 500. * L?vi-Strauss C. Le P?re No?l supplici?. — «Les Temps Modernes», 7e ann?e, ¹ 77, 1952. 501. * L?vi-Strauss C. Le syncr?tisme religieux d'une village mogh du territoire de Chittagong. — RHR. T. 141, 1952, ¹ 2. 502. * L?vi-Strauss C. Toward a General Theory of Communication. — International Conference of Linguists and Anthropologists, University of Indiana. Bloomington (ðàçìíîæåíî ìíîæèòåëüíûì àïïàðàòîì, 1952). 503. L?vi-Strauss C. La visite des ?mes. — Annuaire de l'Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes (Section des sciences religieuses). P., 1951–1952. 504. L?vi-Strauss C. Language and culture. — Results of the Conference of anthropologists and linguists. Baltimore, 1953 (Indiana University Publications in Anthropology and Linguistics. Memoir 8 of the «International Journal of American linguistics». Suppl. to vol. 19, ¹ 2). To æå íà ôðàíö. ÿç. — â [534] (* ðóñ. ïåð.: ãë. IV íàñò. èçä.). 505. L?vi-Strauss Ñ. La notion de structure en ethnologie. — Anthropology to-day. Ed. by A. Broeber. Chicago, 1953. Òî æå — â [534] (* pyc. ïåð.: ãë. XV íàñò. èçä.). 506. * L?vi-Strauss Ñ. Panorama de l'ethnologie. — «Diogene». 1953, ¹ 2. 507. L?vi-Strauss Ñ. Recherches de mythologie am?ricaine (I). — Annuare de l'Ecole pratique des Hautes Etudes (Section des sciences religieuses). P., 1952–1953. 508. * L?vi-Strauss C. Social Structure. — Anthropology to-day. Chicago, 1953. 509. * L?vi-Strauss Ñ. Structure sociale. — «Bulletin de psychologie». Vol. 6, 1953, ¹ 7. 510. L?vi-Strauss C. Place de l'anthropologie dans les sciences sociales, et probl?mes pos?s par son enseignement. — Les Sciences sociales dans l'enseignement sup?rieur. P., 1954. Òî æå — â [534] (* pyc. ïåð.: ãë. XVII íàñò. èçä.). — 299 —