Правительствам следует ввести строгий контроль за утверждениями, которые относятся к препаратам витаминов.
Витамины с высокой дозировкой, используемые для лечения специфических гипо- или авитаминозов, должны иметь ясную маркировку и отличаться от препаратов, используемых в качестве добавок к рациону питания. Если гипо- или авитаминоз действительно наблюдается, следует использовать препараты с одним ингредиентом, а не препараты поливитаминов.
Нерациональные комбинации витаминов следует изъять с рынка.
Следует разработать объективную информацию для работников здравоохранения и потребителей о рациональном использовании витаминов.
Macdonald, JJ., Primary Health Care: medicine in its place, London, Earthscan, 1993, p25.
АМА, ор cit, p841.
Henry, J. (ed.), The British Medical Association Guide to Medicines & Drugs, London, Dorling Kindersley, (2nd edn) 1991, p145.
АМА, ор cit, p859.
Griffith, H.W., The Vital Vitamin, Wellingborough, UK, Thorsons, 1988, p1.
Amorim Cruz, J.A., Moreiras-Varela, O., et al, "Intake of vitamins and minerals", European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol 45 (Suppl. 3), 1991, pp121-38.
Anon., "Who needs vitamin pills?", Which?, Feb 1990, p77.
Anon., "Self-medication products in Germany", Scrip, No 1773, 24 Nov 1992, p4.
Subar, A.F. and Block, G., "Use of vitamin and mineral supplements: demographics and amounts of nutrients consumed", American Journal of Epidemiology, Vol 132, No 6, 1990, pp1091-1101.
Medeiros, D.M., Bock, M.A., et al, "Long-term supplement users and dosages among adult westerners", Journal of the American Dietetic Association, Vol 91, No 8, Aug 1991, pp980-2.
Sanberg, P. and Krema, R.M.T., Over-the-counter Drugs: Harmless or Hazardous?, London, Burke Publishing, 1988, p81.
Chemical Market Review, 8 Oct 1984.
АМА, ор cit, p859.
Parish, P., Medicines: a guide for everybody, London, Penguin (6th edn, revised), 1989, p212.
АМА, ор cit, p847.
Mart?nez-Fr?as, M.L. and Salvador, J., "Megadose vitamin A and teratogenicity", Lancet, 30 Jan 1988, p236;
Anon., "Vitamin A intake in pregnancy", Lancet, Vol 336, 27 Oct 1990, p1063.
Parish, ор cit, p214.
АМА, ор cit, рр860-1.
Ibid, pp848 and 860.
Ibid, p849.
Ibid, pp850-1.
Grant, R., Which? Medicine, London, Consumers Association and Hodder & Stoughton, 1992, p466.
АМА, ор cit, p841.
Gilman, A.G., Rail, T.W., Nies, A.S, and Taylor.P. (eds), Goodman and Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics, New York, Pergamon Press, (8th edn) 1990, p1528.
Reynolds, J.E.F. (ed.), Martindale: The Extra Pharmacopoeia, London, The Pharmaceutical Press, (29th edn) 1989, p1271.
BMA and the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, British National Formulary, London, BMA and The Pharmaceutical Press, No 23, Mar 1992, p341.
АМА, ор cit, pp850-1.
Ibid, p849.
Henry, ор cit, p145.
Cawson, R. and Spector, R., Drugs and Medicines: a consumers' guide, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1990, p105.
Parish, ор cit, pp214-5.
Phillips, A., Rakusen, J. (eds) and the Boston Women's Health Collective, The New Our Bodies, Ourselves (2nd UK edition), London, Penguin Books, 1989, p345.
Rylance, G. (ed.), Drugs for children, Copenhagen, WHO, 1987, p147.
Wolfe, S.M., Fugate, L., et al, Worst Pills Best Pills, Washington, Public Citizen Health Research Group, 1988, p426.
АМА, ор cit, p859.
BMA and the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, ор cit, p340.
Reynolds, ор cit, pp1257, 1258, 1266 and 1270.
BMA and the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, ор cit, p320.
MIMS Middle East, Dec 1990, p128; MIMS Africa, Jul 1991, p98; MIMS Caribbean, Jan 1991, p55.
АМА, op cit, p844.
Reynolds, ор cit, p1276.
АМА, ор cit, p854.
MaLAM letter to Servier, Apr 1990.
MaLAM letter to SmithKline Beecham, Jan 1992.
Anon., "UK vitamin manufacturer fined over IQ claims", Scrip, No 1763, 20 Oct 1992, p9.
Chetley, A. and Gilbert, D., Problem Drugs, The Hague, HAL 1986, p6 of Vitamins section.
Park, Y.K., Kirn, I, and Yetley, E.A., "Characteristics of vitamin and mineral supplement products in the United States", American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol 54, 1991, pp750-9.