Организационная психология

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[68] Харизма (от греч. charisma — благодать, божественный дар) исключительная одаренность; наделенность какого-либо лица особыми качествами исключительности в глазах приверженцев или последователен.

[69] Raven В. II. Social influence and power //Current studies in social psychology /Ed. by 1. D. Sterner & M Fishbcin. N.Y.: Holt, Rinchait, Winston, 1965.

[70] Kipnis D. The Powеrholdcrs. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1976. P. 77—78. Убеждение силой (лат.). Дословно— «палочный» довод.

[71] Убеждение силой (лат.). Дословно— «палочный» довод.

[72] Weiss H. Subordinate imitation of supervisor behavior: The role of modeling in organizational socialization //Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, Vol. 19, P. 89—105.

[73] Rollins B. C. & Thomas D. W. A theory of parental power and compliance //Power in families /Ed. by R. E. Cromwell & D. H. Olson. N.Y.: Sage, 1975.

[74] Raven B. H.. Centers R. & Rodrigues A. The bases of conjugal power //Power in families /Ed. by R. S. Cromwell & D. H. Olson. N.Y.: Sage, 1975.

[75] Hunt S. D. & Nevin J. R. Power in a channel of distribution: Sources and consequences //Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 11, 1974. P. 186-193.

[76] Schmidt A., & Raven B. H. Children's cognitions ofpеrsuasion strategies and compliance //Paper presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development. Toronto, 1985; Schmidt A. & Raven B. H. Developmental changes in perception of persuasive strategies in children //Paper presented at the 93rd Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, 1985.

[77] Jamieso D. W. & Thoma K. W. Power and conflict in the student-teacher relationship //Journal of Applied Behavioral Science. Vol. 10, 1974. P. 321--336.

[78] Raven B. H. & Litman-Adizes T. Interpersonal influence and social power in health promotion //Advances in Health Education and Promotion /Ed. by Z. Salisbury, S. Kar & J. Zapka. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press, 1986; Rodin J. & Janis I. L. The social influence of physicians and other health care practitioners as agents of change /7 Interpersonal issues in health care /Ed. by H. S. Friedman & R. M. DiMattеo N y-Academic Press, 1982. P. 33—50.

[79] Busch P. & Wilson D. T. An experimental analysis of salesman's expert and referent bases of power in the buyer-seller dyad. Journal of Marketing Research. Vol. 13, 1976. P. 3—11; Gaski J. F. Interrelations among a channel entity's power sources: Impact of the exercises of reward and coercion on expert, referent, and legitimate power sources //Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 23, 1986. P. 62—77.

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