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[860] 8. Ibid.

[861] 9. Frances Yates, TheArtofMemoiy, Pimlico Press, London, 1996, p. 197.

[862] 10. Ibid, p. 198.

[863] 11. Frances Yates, Giordano Bruno and the Hermetic Tradition, University of Chicago Press, Chicago and London, 1991, p. 203.

[864] 12. Ibid.

[865] 13. Yates, Art of Memory, pp. 212–220; See also Yates, Giordano Bruno, pp. 197–199.

[866] 14. Hermann Kesten, Copernicus and His World, Roy Publishers, New York, p. 330.

[867] 15. Yates, Giordano Bruno, p. 204.

[868] 16. Ibid.

[869] 17. Ibid.

[870] 18. Giordano Bruno, La Cena de le ceneri, 1584, dial. 4; See also Yates, Giordano Bruno, p. 207.

[871] 19. Bruno, op. cit, dial. 5.

[872] 20. Yates, Giordano Bruno, p. 209.

[873] 21. Cited in ibid, p. 219.

[874] 22. Ibid, p. 215.

[875] 23. Ibid.

[876] 24. Ibid.

[877] 25. Giordano Bruno, Spaccio dellaBestia Trionfante (1584), dial. 3; See also Yates, Giordano Bruno, p. 213.

[878] 26. Yates, Giordano Bruno, p. 223.

[879] 27. Ibid, p. 215.

[880] 28. Ibid.

[881] 29. Ibid, p. 216.

[882] 30. Kore Kosmou, 48; see also Sir Walter Scott (trans.),Hermetica: The Ancient Greek and Latin Writings which Contain Religious or Philosophic Teachings Ascribed to Hermes Trismegistus, Shambala, Boston, 1993, p. 485.

[883] 31. Bruno, Spaccio, dial, i; Yates, Giordano Bruno, pp. 231–232.

[884] 32. Yates, Giordano Bruno, p. 232.

[885] 33. The Corpus Hermeticum, Asclepius, 27. See Scott, op. cit, p. 361; see also Brian P. Copenhaver,Hermetica: The Greek Corpus Hermeticum and the Latin Asclepius in a New English Translation with Notes and Introduction, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1997, p. 83.

[886] 34. Documents della via di Giordano Bruno, a curia di Vincenzo Spamanato, Florence, p. 44; see also Yates, Giordano Bruno, p. 233.

[887] 35. Dorothea Waley Singer, Giordano Bruno, His Life and Thoughts, Henry Schuman, New York, 1950, chap. 7.

[888] 36. GiordanoBruno, De Monade Numero e Figura, Frankfurt, 1591.

[889] 37. Yates, Giordano Bruno, pp. 273–274.

[890] 38. Ibid, p. 360.

[891] 1. John М. Headley, Tommaso Campanella and the Transformation of the World, Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1997, p. 26.

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