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[683] 36. Ibid, p. 86.

[684] 37. Ibid, p. 88.

[685] 38. Ibid, p. 89.

[686] 39. Ibid, p. 94.

[687] 40. Ibid, p. 95.

[688] 41. Frances Yates, The Occult Philosophy in the Elizabethan Age, Routledge & Kegan Paul, London, 1979, p. 22.

[689] 42. Christopher Mcintosh, The Rosicrucians, Samuel Weiser, York Beach, 1997 edn, p. 7.

[690] 43. Yates, Giordano Bruno, p. 112.

[691] 44. Ibid, p. 114.

[692] 45. Erik Iversen, The Myth of Egypt and its Hieroglyphs in European Tradition, GEC GAD Publishers, Copenhagen, 1961, p. 62.

[693] 46. Ibid.

[694] 47. Ibid, p. 63.

[695] 48. Ibid.

[696] 49. Yates, Giordano Bruno, p. 115.

[697] 50. Ibid, p. 49.

[698] 51. Ibid, pp. 49–50.

[699] 52. Более подробный обзор см. Robert Bauval, Secret Chamber, Arrow, 2000, p. 163 ff.

[700] 53. Attallah translation, Oourboros Press, 2002; Pingree tran slation as informed by Elizabeth Witchall, the Warburg Insititute, August 2001.

[701] 54. Yates, Giordano Bruno, p. 49.

[702] 55. Bauval, op. cit, pp. 168–169.

[703] 56. Selim Hassan, Excavations at Giza vol. VI — Part 1Government Press, Cairo, 1946, p. 45; Хассан приводит цитату из географического словаря «Moagam el Buldan» by Yakut El Hamwi, vol. VIII (Cairo Edition), p. 457: «Сабеяне совершали паломничество к обеим (пирамидам)».

[704] 57. Frances Yates, Giordano Bruno, pp. 211–214.

[705] 58. Brian P. Copenhaver (trans.),Hermetica: The Greek Corpus Hermeticum and the Latin Asclepius in a New English Translation with Notes and Introduction, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1997, pp. 81–82.

[706] 59. Ibid.

[707] 60. Yates, Giordano Bruno, pp. 55–56.

[708] 61. Ibid, p. 52.

[709] 62. Ibid, p. 56.

[710] 63. Copenhaver, op. cit, p. 81.

[711] 64. Sir Walter Scott (trans.),Hermetica: The Ancient Greek and Latin Writings which Contain Religious or Philosophic Teachings Ascribed to Hermes Trismegistus, Shambala, Boston, 1993, excerpt xxiv, pp. 501–503.

[712] 65. Picatrix, lib. IV, cap. 3; See also Yates, Giordano Bruno, p. 54.

[713] 66. Yates, Giordano Bruno, p. 55.

[714] 67. Ibid, p. 128.

[715] 68. Ibid, p. 54, fn. i.

[716] 69. Jaromir Malek and John Baines, Cultural Atlas of the World: Ancient Egypt, Stonehenge Press, Alexandria, Virginia, 1991, p. 127.

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