25. Palmer, Catastrophism, 6; Brez-Carlisle, Dinosaurs, 89. 26. Brez-Carlisle, Dinosaurs, 88—89- 27. Verschuur, Impact, 57. 28. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 15 th edition, «Solar System». Penguin Dictionary of Astronomy, 81. 29. Cox and Chesteck, Doomsday, 73; Clube and Napier, Cosmic Winter, 111. 30. Penguin Dictionary of Astronomy, 178; Clube and Napier, Cosmic Winter, 111. 31. Penguin Dictionary of Astronomy, 178. 32. Steel, Rogue Asteroids, 112; Walter Alvarez et al., Catastrophes andEvolution: Astronomical Foundations (Cambridge University Press, 1989), 172–173. 33. Duncan Steel, in Thomas, Chyba, McKay, Origin of Comets, 211. 34. Steel, Rogue Asteroids, 112; Alvarez, Catastrophes and Evolution, 172–173; Cox and Chesteck, Doomsday, 122. 35. Brian Marsden, quoted in Levy, Quest for Comets, 10. 36. Verschuur, Impact, 116. 37. Ibid., 116–117. 38. Ibid., 117. 39. Ibid. 40. Ibid. 41. Ibid., 117. 42. Levy, Quest for Comets, 7- 43. Ibid., 8,11; Verschuur, Impact, 117. 44. Levy, Quest for Comets, 9. 45. Ibid, 10. 46. Ibid. 47. Ibid. 48. Cited in Ibid, 11. 49. Brian Marsden, cited in Ibid. 50. Ibid, 11; Cox and Chesteck, Doomsday, 147. 51. Levy, Quest for Comets, 11; Cox and Chesteck, Doomsday, 147. 52. Verschuur, Impact, 118. 53. Ibid. 54. Dr. Clark Chapman, in Cox and Chesteck, Doomsday, 123. 55. Revelation 12:3–4. 56. Cox and Chesteck, Doomsday, 74; Quest for Know/edge, May 1997, 52. 57. Philip Dauber and Richard Muller, Three Big Bangs (New York: HelixBoob, 1996), 71. 58. David Morrison, McKay, in Thomas, Chyba, Comets and Origin, 254. 59. Ibid. 60. Hoyle and Wickramasinghe, Lifecloud, 100. 61. Appian Way, The Riddle of the Earth (London: Chapman and HallLtd, 1925), 166. 62. Clube and Napier, Cosmic Serpent, 65. 63. Levy, Quest for Comets, 194. 64. Penguin Dictionary of Astronomy, 201. 65. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 15th edition, «Solar System». Catalogue of Cometaiy Orbits, 12th ed. (Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams). Harvard, 1997. 66. Hoyle and Wickramasinghe, Life on Mars, 173–174; Brez-Carlisle, Dinosaurs, 4,107; Verschuur, Impact, 7—10. 67. Ignatius Donnelly, Ragnarok: The Age of Fire and Gravel (London: Sampson Low, 1888), 85; Dauber and Muller, Three Big Bangs, 51. — 221 —