50. Lewis, Rain of Iron and Ice, 83; Cox and Chesteck, Doomsday, 314. 51. Col. John M. Urias, et al., «Planetary Defense: Catastrophic Healthlnsurance for Planet Earth», research paper presented to Airforce2025, October 1996, chapter 3, 4. 52. Steel, Rogue Asteroids, 204. 53. Steel, Rogue Asteroids, 204–205. 54. NASA, Fact Sheet, 2. 55. Cited in Steel, Rogue Asteroids, 13. 56. NASA, Fact Sheet, 1. 57. См. главу 19. 58. NASA, Fact Sheet, 1. 59. Li Ch’un Feng, quoted in Timothy Ferris, «Is This the End?» The NeivYorker, 27 January 1997, 46. 60. Ibid. Глава 22. Рыбы в море1. Johannes Kepler, in Clube and Napier, Cosmic Serpent, 48. 2. Hoyle and Wickramasinghej, Lifecloud, 104—5; Palmer, Catastrophism, 3. Hoyle and Wickramasinghe, Lifecloud, 104—5; Penguin Dictionary ofAstronomy, 279. 4. Palmer, Catastrophism, 5. 5. Наряду с многими техническими статьями в научных журналах Клубе и Напир написали две книги для широкого круга читателей, в которых они объясняют свою теорию. Это Cosmic Serpent [ «Космический змей»] и Cosmic Winter [ «Космическая зима»]. 6. Verschuur, Impact, 57. 7. Moore, Planets, 124. 8. Verschuur, Impact, 57. 9. Tom Gehrels, in Scientific American, March 1996, 34. 10. Victor Clube, interviewed with Graham Hancock, 13 January 1998. 11. Gribbin, Fire on Earth, 125. 12. Scientific American, March 1996, 34. 13. См, к примеру, Ferris, «Is This the End?» The New Yorker, 27 January 1997, 47. 14. Brez-Carlisle, Dinosaurs, 88–89. 15. Fred Hoyle, The Origin of the Universe and the Origin of Religion (R.I.and London: Moyer Bell, Wakefield, 1993), 32. 16. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 15th edition, «Solar System». 17. Clube and Napier, Cosmic Serpent, 65. 18. Steel, Rogue Asteroids, 27–28. 19. Bailey, Clube, Napier, Origin of Comets, 397; Palmer, Catastrophism, 6. 20. Ibid. 21. Clube and Napier, Cosmic Serpent, 75- 22. Bailey, Clube, and Napier, Origin of Comets, 395; Clube and Napier,Cosmic Serpent, 66. 23. Согласно Виктору Клабу, из интервью с Грэмом Хэнкоком 13 января 1998 года. 24. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 15 th edition, «Solar System». See also Verschuur, Impact, 44; Steel, Rogue Asteroids, 126–127; Clube and Napier,Cosmic Serpent, 66; Bailey, Clube, Napier, Origin of Comets, 395. — 220 —