Наука Изреченного Слова

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Is to walk the Middle Way. (3x)

Tube of Light

Beloved I AM Presence bright,

Round me seal your tube of light

From ascended-master flame

Called forth now in God's own name.

Let it keep my temple free

From all discord sent to me.

I AM calling forth violet fire

To blaze and transmute all desire,

Keeping on in freedom's name

Till I AM one with the violet flame. (3x)


I AM forgiveness acting here,

Casting out all doubt and fear,

Setting men forever free

With wings of cosmic victory.

I AM calling in full power

For forgiveness every hour;

To all life in every place

I flood forth forgiving grace. (3x)


I AM free from fear and doubt,

Casting want and misery out,

Knowing now all good supply

Ever comes from realms on high.

I AM the hand of God's own fortune

Flooding forth the treasures of light,

Now receiving full abundance

To supply each need of life. (3x)


I AM life of God-direction,

Blaze thy light of truth in me.

Focus here all God's perfection,

From all discord set me free.

Make and keep me anchored ever

In the justice of thy plan –

I AM the Presence of perfection

Living the life of God in man! (3x)


I AM changing all my garments,

Old ones for the bright new day;

With the sun of understanding

I AM shining all the way.

I AM light within, without;

I AM light is all about.

Fill me, free me, glorify me,

Seal me, heal me, purify me!

Until transfigured they describe me:

I AM shining like the Son,

I AM shining like the sun! (3x)


I AM the flame of resurrection

Blazing God's pure light through me.

Now I AM raising every atom,

From every shadow I AM free.

I AM the light of God's full presence,

I AM living ever free.

Now the flame of life eternal

Rises up to victory. (3x)


I AM ascension light,

Victory flowing free,

All of Good won at last

For all eternity.

I AM light, all weights are gone.

Into the air I raise;

To all I pour with full God-power

My wondrous song of praise.

All hail! I AM the living Christ,

The ever-loving One.

Ascended now with full God-power,

I AM a blazing sun! (3x)

Примечание: Глава IV.

1. Иов. 22:28.


Сила изреченного слова


Любезные друзья Свободы!

Рассматривая методы Богореализации, мы не смеем исключить силу изреченного слова.

В течение множества лет так называемые ортодоксальные религии используют священнодействие и обряд вместе с изреченными мантрами1. На Западе они называются ответными молитвами, ибо требуют гласного ответа собрания или участия мирян. В некоторых случаях молитвы людей стали повторяющимися всуе и лишенными смысла, однако я предпочел бы лучше видеть индивидуумов вовлеченными в такое механическое повторение, чем впутанными в порочные виды практик применения голоса.

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